About Intimate Power

Intimate Power is an organization dedicated to the following goals:

  • Bringing the teachings of Tantra to the western world in a practical and non-dogmatic way
  • Providing sexual education and empowerment to women and men of all walks of life
  • Integrating sexuality ideas and practices to the fields of wellness, personal development, coaching, counseling, education for all ages, business, and spirituality
  • Mentoring sexuality practitioners to serve their clients in better ways
  • Changing societal and cultural perceptions of sex and sexuality
  • Transforming the sex industry into a harmonious, empowering, acceptable profession (see our “vision for a conscious sex industry” here)
  • Providing support for victims and abusers alike

We hold workshops and talks around the world, publish books, articles and videos, appear on interviews, and create online programs to further the organization’s goals

About Eyal Matsliah, the founder of Intimate Power

Eyal Matsliah of intimatepower-5df041.ingress-daribow.ewp.live

My name is Eyal Matsliah, and I’m a sexual empowerment coach.

At IntimatePower, I help people use their sexual energy to unleash their full potential.

As a coach, I help professional women enjoy self love, sacred sex, and abundant creativity.

Once they learn to love and accept themselves, they are able to express their higher gifts, help more people, and make more money.


Orgasm Unleashed by Eyal MatsliahI am the author of “Orgasm Unleashed – Your guide to pleasure, healing and power”, an orgasm guide for women, which has been endorsed by sexuality industry leaders such as Layla Martin and Bonnie Bliss, who described it as “the best orgasm guide for women”. It teaches a woman how to become deeply orgasmic by herself, and later share that with her partner. Download a free sample or get the gorgeous paperback at https://intimatepower.com/orgasmunleashed/

I also publish blogs and online programs, and hold coaching sessions, public talks and weekend workshops.

I have been fascinated by sexuality, spirituality, and business since an early age.

Throughout my life I have yo-yo-ed between these different realms, never quite finding where I belong.

I discovered Tantra in 2005 and it changed my life. I realized I have been practicing it before i even knew what it was.

I lived for seven years on a tropical island in an alternative community, exploring Tantra, Yoga, spirituality, attending workshops and seminars, doing months of meditation retreats every year, studying philosophies, practicing different healing modalities, and turning my hobbies into income streams.


This website, my coaching sessions, and my transformational workshops are about the exploration and integration of sexuality, creativity, business, lifestyle, and spirituality.

My greatest satisfaction is helping someone step into their power, own  their sexuality, and turn their gifts into an offering they can charge for.

Check out some things that my client say about me and about their experience.

I am here because I’m dedicating my life to studying and practicing what I’m passionate about, because I’m totally committed to my purpose, and because I studied with amazing teachers.
They include: Swami Vivekananda Saraswati (Agama Yoga), Sahajananda (Hridaya yoga), David Deida, Baba Dez (ISTA), Tony Robbins, Sasha Cobra, and my closest friends. My lovers and clients have probably taught me the most profound lessons.

This website, my work, and my life, are consecrated and dedicated to the realization and expression of our highest potential and our divine self.

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