
These are just some of the things clients say about me, about the sessions, and about the value and benefit that they had received.
Some people appear more than once because they received a few of my services.

Are you ready for the next step in your sexuality, relationship, career or personal development ?

Coaching Sessions Workshop Testimonials Goddess Awakening Sessions Article Testimonials 

Coaching Sessions

“I rediscovered my own power!”

I rediscovered my own power, took it with me and it flowered further in my life. I feel really awakened – and this was just one session. My partner noticed the change even more than me. I feel strengthened to go the path that is meant for me, and thankful for so much beauty in my life.

The most important thing I learned from you is stop being a victim, and start being a strong woman. 

Sara Massage Therapist, Holland

“I thank Eyal for guiding me through this process, for not allowing me to fall asleep, for seeing through excuses and helping me find ways to see and overcome self-sabotaging”

My dreams and fears to be on stage has transformed into an unfolding supported route of a performing artist

I spend my days dancing, writing, singing and inspiring others to make a joyful and fierce living.

Me being fearful of men, has made place to be surrounded by beautiful, attentive, incredibly funny men
That give me every reason to love men the way I have always done.

I am an entrepreneur,
So very much knowing where I want to go
and being comforted by the fact I will always have ME.

I thank Eyal for guiding me through this process,
For not allowing me to fall asleep,
For seeing through excuses and helping me
find ways to see and overcome self-sabotaging.

Thank you Eyal. For your patience, guidance, wisdom, righteousness, male energy, tough love.
Looking forward taking this up a notch and consolidate our work together.

Mu LaeFemme

“I recommend to any woman, or man, to step deeper into sexual embodiment, awakening and embracing life.”

Thank you again for this amazing and intense experience Eyal IntimatePower! I trusted you all the way through, even in the moments where it became more intense and I moved through all kinds of sensations and meeting my inner boundaries. I experienced you respectful, present, bold and gentle, attuned and clear. I would recommend any woman, or man, to work with Eyal to step deeper into sexual embodiment, awakening and embracing Life.

Sitie Djarkasi Thai Massage Teacher and Practitioner, Holland

An extraordinary and soul baring experience.

Thank you Eyal for being completely present with me, for taking me deep within myself, for breaking down my masculine and allowing my feminine to shine! An extraordinary and soul baring experience and I look forward to working with you in future.. Love and light xx

Nicole Sellick

“I highly recommend him to any conscious business woman that is ready to THRIVE.”

Eyal is my sex/business/wealth coach. I highly recommend him to any conscious business woman that is ready to finally THRIVE in this world and become the successful woman she knows she is. I gained deep trust in myself and in the gifts I am sharing with the world AND I have an action plan to start DOING more of it!!!

Krista Steenbergen Sacred Sexuality Coach, Holland http://www.thelovingmuse.com

A while back, two months in a row, I had menstruation odor and you advised me to decrease animal products, processed foods, and spicy foods. I did exactly that and now I’m no longer having odor during my periods. Thank you so much.


“Thank you for recognising my personal talents and for not letting me get away with self limiting beliefs.”

I feel really energized right now. Thank you so much again. Your genuine concern for my progress in this area was very much noted and even more appreciated. Thank you for recognizing my personal talents and for bringing them to my attention again just how much I do have to offer. And thank you for not allowing me to get away with the self limiting beliefs.

Richard Personal Trainer, Australia

“Propels you into action with raging positivity”

Eyal helped me leave my agent after our very first session.

In the weeks that followed I made three times the money I had made without my agent in a fraction of the time.

The clarity Eyal has provided has changed the course of my life, and saved me months if not years of holding back on what I truly desire and the way I wish to live my life. I have had what feels like miracles open up in my life; I am running my very first workshop, committing to becoming a self published author, developing online products and establishing myself as a leader in the sex industry (as opposed to a sex worker).

Eyal is deeply committed to his clients success. As a single mother it meant the world to me to have such a present, intelligent and inspiring man in my corner.

I would recommend Eyal to any woman who is ready to uncover her gifts and step into her entrepreneurial power.

Alejandra Sexuality educator

“I have found immense self love, self knowledge and a feeling of interconnectedness.”

Working with Eyal changed my life. Before working with Eyal I was stuck in my life. Stuck in patterns, stuck in a way of thinking, in a heaviness and tiredness, in a way of relating to myself and others. I was hiding. I was not satisfied with my sex life. I was looking for more meaning, for joy and fulfilment.

Eyal saw patterns, habits, ways of thinking, and victim-hood tendencies that I never would have seen myself. He didn’t make me depend on him, he empowered me to make changes by myself and integrate them into my life. It was not a quick fix, entertaining way of working. I’ve done many things way out of my comfort zone and found immense self love, self knowledge and a feeling of interconnectedness. My level of living has increased. My lows are less low, and there is more self love and acceptance in a low, and in fewer undermining thoughts and fears. Daily I experience whooshes of ‘in love’ feelings, in love with myself, with life, with my life. I’m feeling a gratitude which can’t be expressed in words.

Coaching & Workshops

Anika Vervloet Actress and Dancer, Holland

The work I have done with Eyal has been far beyond ejaculation control!

Eyal has helped me significantly to sort through the many limiting beliefs I was carrying that held me back in life. Ultimately he has helped me to fully recognise my gifts and develop the confidence necessary to share these gifts with others. He also helped me to overcome my blockages around money and business and to realise that these aspects of life can also be conscious. Because I now have much more confidence and energy my creativity has gone through the roof and I’ve decided to build my own Coaching Business with Eyal’s help and support.


Craig White Physical Performance Coach/Manager http://www.whitehealthandperformance.com

“I feel more powerful and confident and I am more aware of the unique gift I have to share with the world.”

If you are serious about yourself and sharing your gifts with the world and you are ready for some kick-ass-no-drama coaching that leads to immediate results like being more sexual, more happy, and having more income, than Eyal is definitely your man.

Read the full text of the testimonial here.http://www.youtube.com/embed/obTfOGKkZbQ

Krista Steenbergen Intimacy Coach http://www.thelovingmuse.com

This coaching process was extremely challenging, amazing, astonishing, and transforming for me. I got to know deeper layers of my personality and became aware of conditioning patterns.

I now experience my sexuality in a more profound way, with new power and insights. I can now almost immediate experience full body orgasms, and orgasmic states are evoked through sex, yoga, playing cello or just thinking of sex and pure joy.

My creativity and endurance have enormously improved. I have now several tools handy to overcome passivity, depressive states, inertia.

In business, seeing myself as a person who is worth charging 2-5 times more than in the past has given me an unbelievable push.
And above all- self love. The key to so many achievements.

Zoey Rae

“Helped me to become the powerful, sensual, and playful woman I already was.”

Working with Eyal was playful, no bullshit, profound, confronting, loving, tender, cheerful, fun, wild and healing! It affected my emotional, spiritual and sexual life in a beautiful way and helped me become the powerful, sensual and playful woman I already was, but had hidden behind a wall of fear, girly behaviour and ignorance. Oh yes and I had my first full body orgasms.

Monique Blom Healer & Body Worker, Holland

Eyal is a dedicated and experienced explorer of enhanced states of intimacy, awareness and personal power.

He also has a great personal presence and a confident ability to present high level concepts and practical advice to a wide range of audiences.

Marc cohen Professor at RMIT

“Feeling less like a little girl and more like a Goddess Queen!”

Eyal helped me to go through layers of shame, guilt, fear and vulnerability. He dared me to put myself out there in the world, with my energy, my gifts, my vision. To step into Greatness instead of keep holding myself small. With this loving support I started ‘coming out’ and a lot of beautiful things happened from then on.

The biggest gift from working with Eyal was that he helped me connect with my feminine side. Feeling less like a little girl and more like a Goddess Queen! It feels like a new door has opened inside of me, and I feel more complete, more hole, more close to myself than ever before.

Our sessions were always inspiring and full of fun, insights, honesty, no-bullshit feedback. From the beginning I felt I could trust Eyal with his loving intention to help me.

Thanks again Eyal for everything!

Femke Zwart Voice expression coach, singer & voice-over, Holland

My deepest gratitude goes out to your work and what you are doing. We absolutely loved it. 

It helped immensely for us to open up and speak in a group environment that was held so well by you. We will definitely be at the yoni massage in the future.

Our intimacy has improved monumentally. After the workshop our sex was lasting longer (until we decided to stop). Amazing moments of connection and deep pleasure.
I was absolutely stoked that I was could have sex with my partner 2 weeks after not ejaculating and still be deep inside her and confident. 1 sign of success was having sex in the afternoon one day for over an hour.


“I’m on fire, so much energy, grounded, strong.”

Let me tell you how I feel: on fire, so much energy, grounded, strong. A friend called me in despair yesterday just before I came home after the session. I immediately could share my experience which empowered her. Today I met her, she told me I look like I have been taking Ecstasy :-). And she told me how strong she wants to be with me when I am in this energy. Wow! Immediately energies flow. I have to take deep breaths all day. I bow to you. Thank you.

Finneke Counselor, Holland

I did a tantra relationships workshop that was co-facilitated by Eyal 3 years ago and it rocked my world.

So much healing and discovery has followed since this time which I am so grateful for.

Carlo Laruccia

“It has turned me around & I have witnessed other sisters’ turn around.”

Before I signed up with Eyal, I was seriousness (oh dear), not very much in touch with my feelings, I thought way too much & lived in my head, you get the picture.

After three months of patient coaching from Eyal and my own commitment to home play, I’m much more in my body and thus in touch with my feelings and how they relate to what is happening in my life. I laugh a lot more, feel much more open (wow, no comparison from before I started with Eyal), see the humour in things, feel more playful, dance, sing to myself, and my heart is much lighter. I feel safe to express myself and experienced a cracking open of my heart, which resulted in feeling so free and so joyful! And there’s a fearlessness that I am sensing, that isn’t just a fleeting experience, but it’s now in my core and I feel safe to operate/live from that.

And, here’s the trippy part – I have no idea what, who or how I found Eyal, but when I read his articles, something nudged me to sign up, without knowing exactly why. I’ve not regretted it. For me, a good teacher is one who doesn’t just study the material and then teach it. I discovered that Eyal knows what he’s doing and why. First, he’s following his passion – a very important ingredient if you want to become good at something. He learned what he learned and made it his own – he lives from what he teaches. This, for me, is an essential element in good teaching.

So, ladies, if you’re ‘on the fence’ and not sure about whether or not Eyal’s coaching is for you, seeing it as an investment in my own soul growth is the way I approached this and, seeing it in this way motivated me to commit to do my part. It has turned me around and I have witnessed other sisters’ turn around and become powerful women. It’s time for us women to step into our power, so I join you in reclaiming that power that I gave away so very long ago.

Patricia Lawrence Healer, Hawaii

“Eyal is a loving, powerful male perspective.”

I feel more open, vivid, sexual and spontaneous. I am more confident and more free with my sexuality and sensuality.

Eyal has a loving way of coaching and he can be at the same time confronting when necessary. He knows how to coach you on becoming more feminine and orgasmic. He can teach how to open your body and let the sexual energy run through your you. He is a loving, powerful, male perspective, open and willing to look at himself.

Esther Janssen Tantric Dance Teacher – Holland

“He offered practical pointers for transformation, advancement & expression.”

My session with Eyal was transparent and honest, in a way that allowed me to share of my experiences and hopes and be met by him in a way that challenged the status quo and affirms what’s already present in me. I felt that Eyal valued my business direction and validated my sexual experiences, while offering practical pointers for transformation, advancement and expression. I feel he believed in my own self-empowerment enough to give me tools and tips to succeed, and I’m very grateful.

Lindsey Diacogiannis Therapeutic Arts Practitioner, Melbourn Australia

“Balanced combo of nurturing non-judgement and no bullshit tough love.”

I find Eyal to be a balanced combo of nurturing non-judgement and no bullshit tough love. I really appreciate the energy that Eyal has for movement and healing. His passion for human processes is clear and exciting and his commitment to supporting those that reach out to him is admirable.

Mariko Australia

“It’s amazing how I went from deep depression to joyful expression just in few weeks!”

I’m a relationship counsellor for women and was totally stuck and not wanting to share my gifts with people any more. Eyal helped me to see and cut off some negative limiting beliefs and thoughts that were constantly putting me down, freeing me to do what my soul wants to do. Now 3 weeks after the session I am full of inspiration and appreciation for myself and the work I do.

I really appreciate how Eyal values what he offers to people and how he sells it and makes you value it as well. This is really good example for me and something special that I’ve got from Eyal’s energy field.

I appreciate Eyal’s strong, male but sensitive way of leading a session. And of course I appreciate how much love, care and presence Eyal has put into work with me.

It’s amazing how I went from deep depression to joyful expression just in few weeks!

Sugandha Deva Women’s Counsellor & Tantra Teacher, Holland

My coaching session with Eyal was comprehensive, enlightening and fun.

Eyal doesn’t beat around the bush but his humour and playful energy keep it light while still going deep. I felt like I could really trust and feel his genuine joy in the work he does which allowed for me to grow and explore in safety. 

Cam Venn Performer and Workshop Facilitator, Australia

“Helped me to peel off the layers that prevented me from living more fully, more orgasmic, connected and so much more.”

After reading a sample of Eyal’s upcoming book ‘Pleasure Power’ I immediately felt I would love to work with him to help me connect deeper to my sexuality. I have felt stuck for a long time and could not find my way out of this blockage on my own. Being a coachee with Eyal has been a great experience. Supported by his radical clarity, and experience I became rapidly more conscious about myself in many aspects of my life and how I express myself. Very confronting, but it was exactly what was needed to expand more. To me, Eyal embodies an empowered, intelligent, sexual and creative human being, and by that he made me curious to live up to my own potential too. He has a lot to share on self development, sexuality, creating abundance in life and business by sharing our gifts in clear, direct ways. His consciousness has quite some penetrative power to cut bullshit!

I never would have thought I could experience myself as an orgasmic woman so fast! During my third Skype session he guided me into an orgasmic state that was very pleasurable, intense and it lasted for hours. It has transformed my outlook on myself as a woman dramatically and stimulated me to go further on my journey of awakening.

Also attending the intro workshop ‘Intimate Power I’ has been much fun and gave me many eye-openers on sexuality, male-female dynamics and the orgasmic potential that we all share as human beings!
Working with Eyal in several ways (skype coaching, reading and watching his blogs/vlogs, individual hands-on session, attending his workshop) has given me plenty of new experiences, insight, information and pointers on my journey that I still use today and also start understanding deeper.

I am very grateful to him and feel deep appreciation for his work and offering. I realise now that these new experiences I got with him have been extremely important to start creating a new paradigm from within. Going out of my comfort zone and out of my box (blockage) with the support of somebody like Eyal, who has travelled the path of tantra, self development and expansion with such commitment, perseverance, honesty and love, is in one word wonderful! Thank you Eyal, for being who you are and for your guidance. You have helped me to peel off the layers that prevented me from living more fully, more orgasmic, connected and so much more!

Sitie Djarkasi Thai Massage Teacher & Practitioner, Holland

“A new world of possibilities.”

If you are looking for change and are ready to make some serious progress, Eyal can show you the way to live more fully. Break old patterns. Step over boundaries. Feel your relationship to yourself and others improve with your increased sense of openness. Experience the ripple effect and cascading benefits from giving this work a go. Emotionally, sexually, spiritually and socially, Eyal has helped me find a new world of possibilities. Hesitation helps no-one!

Marion Psychology Major, Australia

The spark session brought really into clarity where I was and where I wanted to be, which was a world of difference.

The spark session brought really into clarity where I was and where I wanted to be, which was a world of difference. I was in seriousness and wanted to be in continual joy. Through working with and identifying the energies around happy memories of childhood, Eyal helped me see what I could do to successfully change my vibration. I am grateful for this and for Eyal’s support as my life has changed significantly in a short period of time, from not fully valuing myself to feeling grateful to / for myself, feeling freer, stepping more into my individuality, feeling more inner abundance. Still have to watch my habit of conforming to a ‘perceived authority’. This habit now shows up in much more sneaky or subtle ways. I sing to myself, which I haven’t done since age 7 when that was shut down. Focusing on seeing only my perfection.

Patricia Lawrence Healer, Hawaii

“I have discovered my sexuality, feminine energy, and orgasms that I thought I was incapable of having!”

I have been working with Eyal for 3 months now and I will never be the same. Before my coaching sessions with Eyal I believed that I was incapable of having an orgasm. I thought I was broken, deficient and that the sex I had been having for years was the best it would ever be. I couldn’t have been more wrong.

I have discovered my sexuality, which I had shunned for so many years under layers of shame and guilt and misinformation. I have felt my own feminine energy ripple throughout my being and its power surge through my veins. I have connected intimately with myself in a way I thought I never could, experiencing orgasms that I thought I was incapable of having. My confidence has increased, my reality has completely altered and a very integral part of my self is being healed.

The best part is that this is only the beginning, my journey has just begun. I can now look forward to a world full of loving surrender, blissful pleasure, energy,power and mind blowing, divine, full body energetic orgasms. I can’t thank you enough Eyal, for your encouragement, patience, discipline and knowledge. im so grateful for having had you as a guide, mentor, teacher and therapist.

Vicki Yoga Teacher and Sexual Educator, Australia

He reminded me of my true goddess self.

My time with Eyal has been the first major stepping stone into the journey of who I am and ultimately, why I am here. Under his guidance and encouragement, I was able to strike a chord inside of me that is now buzzing with a song I didn’t know I was able to sing.

The Skype sessions were super convenient, yet the space of communication between us still felt held and private. He could pull back my sometimes defensive and protective energy and show me how beautiful and powerful I truly am – he reminded me of my true goddess self.

We would talk in detail about how I can pleasure myself, to clear the physical and mental resistances through breathing and internal stimulation. I would also manifest men into my life for me to apply what I was learning with Eyal. This was incredibly rewarding for me, particularly since I had previously struggled with expressing my truth around men.

Up until this point, I believed that only a man could bring me into my feminine self – that I needed someone else’s tick of approval to show my true colours. Sometimes I fall back into the patterns of my past belief, but the major difference is that now I catch it out, and I have compassion for myself. It is my birthright to express and explore my body, my sensual, fiery, sexual feminine energy, and Eyal has provided me with the tools to continue this path. I am empowered to keep learning.

Jem Nicholas Actress and Facilitator https://www.facebook.com/jem.nicholas.1?fref=ts

Coaching SessionsWorkshop TestimonialsGoddess Awakening SessionsArticle Testimonials

Workshop Testimonials

The power of this course is amazing. Since starting the course, with it only being a month, I’ve noticed a profound change in my mind, my thoughts and my sense of Self.

I used to meditate regularly, daily for 40 minutes at a time. However, since starting the cause my meditation has become self-pleasuring, breath sound and movement, as well as yoga, I’ve spent little time “Just” sitting with my thoughts. It’s a complete contradiction to what I’ve been taught but strangely through these exercises, I feel I have more control over my thoughts than before. I feel like I have an abundance of space in my brain that allows inspiration to come through and my energy levels are through the roof. I am motivated, focused, happy and clear. Whenever I feel myself getting tired or frustrated, I now have the compassion & awareness to sit with myself, even if it’s just for 5 minutes, check in, breathe and then it’s cleared. It’s incredible. I look forward to my homework and look forward to time alone to truly reflect on me, to enable me to grow.

-Stephani Johnson

Managing Partner at COMO Shambhala Urban Escape

Stephanie Johnson

“Your message and motivation towards life is really inspiring.”

I just wanted to let you know what a positive impact you’ve had on my life. After 4 years, I had just walked away from the swinging scene and in a way lost interest in sex altogether, so it was a time for self-exploration. I had this thought in the back of my mind that something was just not there – something was missing. After attending your workshop, I knew straight away what it was…connection. Your message and motivation towards life is really inspiring Eyal, and I thank you for all that I have learnt.


“Accepting myself, my wounded sexuality while releasing societal conditioning and pain from the past.”

An intense weekend workshop experiencing a roller coaster of emotions: joy, pain, guilt, sorrow, pleasure, rejection, shame and love. Accepting myself, my wounded sexuality while releasing societal conditioning and pain from the past. Still a long way to go but a first step is taken into claiming back my power. Thank you Eyal IntimatePower for your dedication.

Valerie Parisius Artist traveler, Holland http://valerieparisius.com/

“Inspiring journey to freeing my sexual energy on different levels.”

The workshop with Eyal was a full, inspiring journey which gave me practical knowledge and exercises on how to free my sexual energy on different levels. Especially doing it for the second time it made me grow and expand as each time different layers are touched in myself! Eyal’s powerful presence is definitely inviting to act, dive and surrender into the matter and spirituality of sacred sexuality!

Hilde Belgium

“I feel so stable and grounded.”

Since the weekend everything goes right – I do the right things, I say the right words, it has an influence in all aspects of my life, my work, my relationship with my son, my friends, and everything I want to achieve takes place. Incredible and I feel so stable and grounded and in balance. You said it would be life changing and it certainly has been!

Sofie van Steenberghe Belgium

“Respectful and deeply moving.”

Eyal, apart from anything else, to me, you’re a teacher we can all be grateful for, sincere, speaking from experience and from the heart, sensitive to people’s state of mind/body, respectful and deeply moving. I send you my thanks, respect and love.

Melissa Belgium

“I am learning to express myself and my desires and have experienced a much greater intimacy.”

The workshop has had a big impact on me, I can’t imagine a life any more without tantric practice. My spiritual life is now connected to my sexual life. The orgasms are fabulous! I could never have imagined the sensations that my body can produce! I am learning to express myself and my desires in all areas of my life. I have also experienced a much greater intimacy. Thank you so much for opening my eyes to a broader and deeper life, for sharing your gift with me, for being you.

Jessica, late 20’s Holland

I went to the workshop with serious misgivings. And I was uncomfortable at times. But Eyal is a prince. He is funny, open, and very accepting so even sceptics can end up having an enjoyable and interesting weekend.


“I feel tingling, vibrant and sparkling inside and very much alive.”

Wow, the energy, the love and the connection with myself and everyone in the group this weekend is still very much feelable in me! I feel tingling, vibrant and sparkling inside and very much alive! Thank you soooo much Eyal for this great weekend, it has enriched me in many many ways!

Becky Holland

“I feel it in every cell of my body – I am radiant!”

A million words are going through my mind to describe the transformation inside me, but there are no words. I feel it in every cell of my body. Thank you Eyal IntimatePower for creating the space and the work that you do. And I am thanking myself for allowing me to be a part of this workshop. I am radiant!

Lisa Holland

“I have found one AMAZING lover.”

Eyal, you said during the workshop that afterwards I would attract men who were better lovers. You were so right, that’s exactly what happened! Men with more patience, not aiming at their or my orgasm, being able to extend their orgasm for at least an hour. After being with several men, I found one AMAZING lover and I now scream louder than I ever have before. I am becoming more relaxed and sexual in my body, and feel the freedom and joy that the depth of love making is making in my body. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

Mary Wellness Practitioner, Holland, 2014

“I have more pleasure and my purpose is much more clear.”

Wow, thank you Eyal for the amazing experiences this weekend…there is a lot happening in my body and around me since the workshop…for sure I have much more pleasure, I walk straight up smiling, have orgasms during sex like I never had before and a long time after, I have a different approach to people, with much more power and confidence, more attractive. My purpose is much more clear now and I connect with it every day since the weekend.

Catherine Ghering Holland

“It’s amazing how I went from deep depression to joyful expression just in few weeks!”

I’m a relationship counsellor for women and was totally stuck and not wanting to share my gifts with people any more. Eyal helped me to see and cut off some negative limiting beliefs and thoughts that were constantly putting me down, freeing me to do what my soul wants to do. Now 3 weeks after the session I am full of inspiration and appreciation for myself and the work I do.

I really appreciate how Eyal values what he offers to people and how he sells it and makes you value it as well. This is really good example for me and something special that I’ve got from Eyal’s energy field.

I appreciate Eyal’s strong, male but sensitive way of leading a session. And of course I appreciate how much love, care and presence Eyal has put into work with me.

It’s amazing how I went from deep depression to joyful expression just in few weeks!

Sugandha Deva Women’s Counsellor & Tantra Teacher, Holland

“My heart is open and creative energy is bubbling around.”

I have to say, this is the first workshop ever where I never thought that I was failing, because I didn’t do an exercise or didn’t feel the same energy like others. Whatever was, was and still is OK. I never thought the impact would be so liberating. My heart is open and creative energy is bubbling around. I couldn’t sleep the week after the weekend from all the energy flowing through my body and I had and still have the feeling that I see the world more clearly. I’m feeling more connected with the universe and my body feels more sensitive which means that I see and take the gifts of life more than before. I can’t wait for the next level workshop.

Rachel Belgium

“It has change my life.”

Doing a couple workshops with Eyal has been a most insightful experience. Eyal holds a very respectful and deep space and I learned a lot about allowing myself to be seen by the mascuiline. It has changed my life, after coming home I now notice how often the masculine wants to be in service to me, I am getting offers of work, friendship, acknowledgement and simple connection and care. I contribute this to my new-found ability to stand in the feminine and be seen deeply. Thank you for enabling me to receive this unique gift.

Karen Rees Marriage Celebrant, Australia http://lovewell.net.au.

“This workshop holds the key to transform eons of human conditioning and co-dependent relating between men and women!”

I just got initiated by Eyal IntimatePower on the deep, rich and colourful path of Tantra. It was my first workshop in this arena and I feel so lucky to have picked this one: the content, the underlying penetrative message and opening experiential exercises bring something to me beyond anything I had ever learned, ‘knew’ and could imagine as a possibility. The possibility of living orgasmically, transformed and at ease with myself. This is about so much more then just ‘my’ (sexual) pleasure, the information in this particular workshop holds the key to transform eons of human conditioning and co-dependent relating between men and women. Are you ready to live and relate differently? Take your chance next time when Eyal is in the neighbourhood. Thank you dear Eyal for your presence, your clarity and bringing the sword of Shiva to cut the crap! What a great invitation you offer!

Seriya Holland

“I found that lifting my sexual energy also lifted my self-awareness & gave a boost to my business as well.”

This year I followed the weekend-workshop ‘Unleash your Pleasure Power’ from Eyal and that was exactly what I’ve done, I became so much more free in expressing my sexuality. Eyal is a master in shifting mindsets on delicate matters (which are not delicate anymore after the workshop) such as orgasms and ejaculation. Creating a new mindset changes the way you feel forever, I’ve experienced it.

And the most interesting part I found was that lifting my sexual energy also lifted my self-awareness and gave a boost to my business as well. I now have regular Skype sessions with Eyal on both sexualityand business and they serve me well. I feel boosted afterwards.

Judith Weber Journalist & Coach, Holland http://www.puurondernemen.nl/

“I’m standing at the beginning of a new path exploring a whole new dimension of sexuality.”

Isn’t it the weirdest thing that our beliefs about reality limit our experience of it! I am realizing how much Western culture has influenced my beliefs about the world so much, that I can not even hear what ancient teachings actually mean. It’s like I’m deaf or covered by an invisible blanket. The desire to get out of this illusion is burning inside of me. To go beyond culture, beyond beliefs and to see and experience what sexuality is actually about. I have always spoken about sex from a deep place within me that Knows there is something very sacred about it. But I realize once again that “all I know is I know nothing”. I am feeling so humble again and devoted to learn and study and practice. Standing at the beginning of a new path exploring a whole new dimension of sexuality. So grateful I am. Thanks to eyal IntimatePower for teaching me.

What touched me the most is how we collectively create and regenerate stories around menstruation. I held the belief that it is what it is, so if its long and painful you have to deal with that. Now I know there are so many ways to influence our menstruation and to hold the sacred energy and blood within us instead of wasting it. So curious what this practise will bring me. 100 % committed!

Krista Steenbergen Sacred Sexuality Coach, Holland http://www.thelovingmuse.com

“Helped me to peel off the layers that prevented me from living more fully, more orgasmic, connected and so much more.”

After reading a sample of Eyal’s upcoming book ‘Pleasure Power’ I immediately felt I would love to work with him to help me connect deeper to my sexuality. I have felt stuck for a long time and could not find my way out of this blockage on my own. Being a coachee with Eyal has been a great experience. Supported by his radical clarity, and experience I became rapidly more conscious about myself in many aspects of my life and how I express myself. Very confronting, but it was exactly what was needed to expand more. To me, Eyal embodies an empowered, intelligent, sexual and creative human being, and by that he made me curious to live up to my own potential too. He has a lot to share on self development, sexuality, creating abundance in life and business by sharing our gifts in clear, direct ways. His consciousness has quite some penetrative power to cut bullshit!

I never would have thought I could experience myself as an orgasmic woman so fast! During my third Skype session he guided me into an orgasmic state that was very pleasurable, intense and it lasted for hours. It has transformed my outlook on myself as a woman dramatically and stimulated me to go further on my journey of awakening.

Also attending the intro workshop ‘Intimate Power I’ has been much fun and gave me many eye-openers on sexuality, male-female dynamics and the orgasmic potential that we all share as human beings!
Working with Eyal in several ways (skype coaching, reading and watching his blogs/vlogs, individual hands-on session, attending his workshop) has given me plenty of new experiences, insight, information and pointers on my journey that I still use today and also start understanding deeper.

I am very grateful to him and feel deep appreciation for his work and offering. I realise now that these new experiences I got with him have been extremely important to start creating a new paradigm from within. Going out of my comfort zone and out of my box (blockage) with the support of somebody like Eyal, who has travelled the path of tantra, self development and expansion with such commitment, perseverance, honesty and love, is in one word wonderful! Thank you Eyal, for being who you are and for your guidance. You have helped me to peel off the layers that prevented me from living more fully, more orgasmic, connected and so much more!

Sitie Djarkasi Thai Massage Teacher & Practitioner, Holland

“I am a sexual, loving and spiritual being.”

I am a sexual, loving and spiritual being. Thank you Eyal IntimatePower. You really had my heart at the end when you said words of bigness at the end: “If you heard some things or came across things these days that didn’t resonate to you, it was me. All the things that did resonate to you, came from beyond me.”

Carla Holland

Eyal guided me through a solo process whereby I accessed a deep and powerful orgasmic state that lasted over an hour.

Whole body orgasms filled my body, the waves were incredibly pleasurable and ecstatic, and the experience took my heart & consciousness to a place where I felt like I was connecting to Universal Source. This incredibly ecstatic experience completely changed the way I view and experience orgasm and ever since then I have felt deep orgasmic pleasure on a daily basis. I’m eternally grateful for Eyal, and eternally grateful for my immense orgasmic potential.

-Juliet Allen, Sexologist

Juliet Allen

I learned that woman with broad hips and round belly’s have a lot of energy in their body. So ladies here: relax your belly and celebrate life!

Julie Holland

I gained a lot from attending the sexual activation Masterclass. Eyal has a vast knowledge of sexual healing and his story of how he became a sexual healer is inspiring.

Seeing him at work, giving a demo was like seeing a true Master at his craft at work, really listening and tuning into the body without following a set routine. It was all about surrendering and stepping out of the way so a higher consciousness/ wisdom can work through you. Surprisingly I already noticed a big difference/ shift in my own practice of Chi Nei Tsang and Karsai Nei Tsang the following days. By seeing First hand how ‘effective’ Eyal’s way of ‘working’ was, it somehow gave me ‘permission’ to let go of certain expectations from my side or my clients, to let go of any set rules and routines and to really be totally present with the body and from that space true healing can arise.

Valerie Parisius

“Never in my life have I felt sooooo much sexual energy, excitement and joy!”

Eyal, I would like to thank you for the workshop I did about a Month ago. You said life would never be the same after the weekend and as a trainer I know all these tricks to get people listening. However it was the truth. Later you said that sex life would improve dramatically. It had. Never in my life have I felt sooooo much sexual energy, excitement and joy. To be honest I never knew what all the fuss was about when it came to sex. I thought it was for men and a few lucky women. And men are dangerous and I had to be on guard from them so they never crossed any lines. I had a hard time stating my boundaries and kept everyone far away. Now all that has changed. I see myself as a sexual person (among other things) and I am in my sexual power. I love it. Forever grateful to you…

Marika Holland

“The workshop was a fantastic gift!”

So informative, healing and experiential! Adam and I put your teachings to the test, and lets just say things have awakened and we both have booming smiles! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW! Not only was the workshop a fantastic gift but so are the the fruits of your teachings.

Adam and Lisa

It was a very interesting workshop and an experience I won’t forget. It made me want to follow the tantric path even further and made me realise there is so much more to sacred love and spiritual sexuality.

Tom Schoors Belgium

“Thanks for opening new worlds for me.”

I want to thank you for your teachings, new insights, knowledge and experiences. The same sunday night I dated a new man and experienced my first G-spot orgasms. Like you said, your workshop can change lives immediately. Thanks for opening new worlds for me, thanks for your love and dedication.

Margareth Holland

Everyone should attend this workshop it will change your personal life and bring it to an other level!

Pierre Raygot Belgium

Amazing and life changing!

Justin Marc Dickinson Charity organization founder http://thebigumbrella.org/

Last weekends workshop with Eyal IntimatePower felt like a rebirth and a shift of energy and taking ownership and Yes I AM A SEXUAL, LOVING, SPIRITUAL MAN!

Meinoud Rijnen Holland

“I have found immense self love, self knowledge and a feeling of interconnectedness.”

Working with Eyal changed my life. Before working with Eyal I was stuck in my life. Stuck in patterns, stuck in a way of thinking, in a heaviness and tiredness, in a way of relating to myself and others. I was hiding. I was not satisfied with my sex life. I was looking for more meaning, for joy and fulfilment.

Eyal saw patterns, habits, ways of thinking, and victim-hood tendencies that I never would have seen myself. He didn’t make me depend on him, he empowered me to make changes by myself and integrate them into my life. It was not a quick fix, entertaining way of working. I’ve done many things way out of my comfort zone and found immense self love, self knowledge and a feeling of interconnectedness. My level of living has increased. My lows are less low, and there is more self love and acceptance in a low, and in fewer undermining thoughts and fears. Daily I experience whooshes of ‘in love’ feelings, in love with myself, with life, with my life. I’m feeling a gratitude which can’t be expressed in words.

Coaching & Workshops

Anika Vervloet Actress and Dancer, Holland

“I feel a lot of spiritual growth and am so much more aligned.”

A lot has changed in my life since the workshop. I now have a fantastic relationship with a great man, for two months already. Spiritually I feel a lot of growth, I feel so much more aligned – now I totally trust my intuition, which I doubted a lot before. I feel that a lot has shifted in my professional life as well. For instance, I have taken on Relationship Coaching (so not only Business Coaching anymore), and I have taken on lectures on the topic ‘Love & Relationships’ as well. It suits me great!

Judith Webber Key-note Speaker, Coach and Trainer, Holland http://purehuman.nl

Coaching SessionsWorkshop TestimonialsGoddess Awakening SessionsArticle Testimonials

Goddess Awakening Sessions

“I rediscovered my own power!”

I rediscovered my own power, took it with me and it flowered further in my life. I feel really awakened – and this was just one session. My partner noticed the change even more than me. I feel strengthened to go the path that is meant for me, and thankful for so much beauty in my life.

The most important thing I learned from you is stop being a victim, and start being a strong woman. 

Sara Massage Therapist, Holland

“Eyal has taught me to take control of my sexual energy.”

Eyal is very authentic with the way he works. He taught me to take control of my sexual energy with it essentially being mine to feel and be in charge of. The way in which Eyal works with keeping the connection and encouraging eye contact was beautifully intimate and his words through the session allowed for me to feel safe, supported and empowered. He is firm and clear with his guidance yet open and vulnerable which automatically gives permission for the receiver to drop into this space of vulnerability also. As a tantrika myself I found his clarity of communication inspiring and solid, it was something that has encouraged me within my own work. 

Shaney Simpson Sexuality Guide & Sacred Arts Educator, Australia http://shaneymarie.com/

“I would HIGHLY recommend Eyal.”

He is so amazing, professional, intuitive, trustworthy, genuine, authentic. If you are looking for a practitioner it’s always good to go with someone with lots of experience like Eyal. He really has a lot of experience and he really lives a yogic life – he doesn’t just talk about it but lives it. You can feel how loving, genuine and present he is during a session.  

Lucy Jane Carter Make Up Artist, UK

“Profound transformation!”

The goddess awakening session with Eyal was one of profound transformation. I now know that it’s OK to be more powerful, more joyful and more abundant than anyone I know in my personal circle and beyond. I am a juicy woman, fully aware of who I am and what I am able to do in this world. Thank you for opening the door for me Eyal!

Marielle Duijndam Coach, Holland

“I’m feeling an increased connection with God.”

I’ve been feeling an increased connection with God… somewhat still in bliss. I do not feel all alone. I am very happy for the session. It was definitely something l never experienced before on many levels. You made it feel safe for me to relax and enjoy, open to those uncomfortable feelings inside. Woke up this night having my first orgasm on my own without touching that l know of.

Karolina Sweden

“I felt like a girl trapped in a woman’s body, now I am able to enjoy my sexuality which I never imagined possible.”

Eyal, I will always be grateful for how much you have helped me. I felt like I was not truly a woman but a girl trapped in a woman’s body and I was ashamed of my problem. Your accepting, compassionate and caring nature allowed me to open up easily. I knew that you truly wanted to help and listened without judgement. Since meeting you, I’ve felt truly empowered, sexual and beautiful, and have been able to enjoy my sexuality that I have never imagined possible before. Thank you so much!!

Kelly Alison USA

“I recommend to any woman, or man, to step deeper into sexual embodiment, awakening and embracing life.”

Thank you again for this amazing and intense experience Eyal IntimatePower! I trusted you all the way through, even in the moments where it became more intense and I moved through all kinds of sensations and meeting my inner boundaries. I experienced you respectful, present, bold and gentle, attuned and clear. I would recommend any woman, or man, to work with Eyal to step deeper into sexual embodiment, awakening and embracing Life.

Sitie Djarkasi Thai Massage Teacher and Practitioner, Holland

“It was literally a Goddess Awakening, because I could feel the Goddess inside me awakening.”

Words can not describe what I experienced. I ended up in a mystical space, a higher level of consciousness. I experienced the sacredness of sexuality. It has empowered me to enjoy my sexuality, motivated me to do the practice of sublimation, healed me from old wounds, changed my mindset, so I could orgasm for literally hours. Opened me up to the experience of womb orgasm, which led me to a mystical state of being. Eyal’s guidance is very professional. Loving and facilitating. He creates a sacred space where I felt totally safe to let go and surrender. It was literally a Goddess Awakening because I could feel the Goddess inside me awakening, and “I” wasn’t there for a few hours. A deep initiation into the mystery of sexuality. Aho

Krista Steenbergen Sacred Sexuality Coach, Holland http://www.thelovingmuse.com

“All stories revealed themselves and fell away.”

Goddess awakening sessions. Empowering, educational, challenging, giving in to what is. Eyal always there to support, love encourage, challenge. There are not enough words to describe. I’d say book 3 sessions! The Goddess Awakening gave me the experience of enlightenment for 2 days. Literally all stories revealed themselves and fell away. I was storyless. It felt very natural, and that feels grand.

Anais Tasha Actress and Dancer, Holland

“I was blown away, entering the inner most parts of my femininity.”

The session was profound, blissful and so pleasurable as well. Time just flew by. l was blown away, entering those inner most parts of my femininity. Deep gratitude to you for sharing your wisdom, empathy and sensitivity. I feel still kind of blown away. I had this feeling this morning, not needing anything outside of myself, but welcoming things. I’d like to explore that.

Kristiina Sweden

The session did a lot. The first days I was bursting with energy. I notice men’s reaction to me; they smile at me, wink at me, look at me in a different way. Hey I do exist! 🙂

Frankie Holland

“Opens up realms for the deepest transformation!”

I can HIGHLY recommend Eyals work!! Fantastic, blissful, healing, orgasmic, sweet and sensitive. The session with Eyal was such profound healing, so deep. I remember why I choose to step into Sacred Sexual Healing. It opens up realms for the deepest transformation, for such deep healing. Thank you again Eyal for sharing knowledge and being so professional!

Sanna Sanita Sexual Healer at Panja

“I dared to go to the bottom of my emotions and experienced what it means to let things go.”

I still feel the benefits of the massages and it is life changing. Following the weekend a door opened to the interesting world of Tantra and it made me want to step inside – so I did and I haven’t regretted it for one single moment. I can also highly recommend the Goddess Awakening sessions where I got rid of very old pain and experienced what it really means to let things go. For the first time I dared to go to the bottom of my emotions because of the safe presence of Eyal, who guided me through the pain, anger and sadness to end up with a very peaceful and satisfied feeling. Finally she’s awake… the goddess in me!

Sofie van Steenberghe Belgium

“Paradigm shift. Beautiful. inspiring. powerful.”

In the evening I have been taking time for self-pleasure ritual where I put the focus on sensuality and making love to myself. It is of great value to really take the time to BE with myself. I had stronger embodiment, and the wonderful realization during one of the rituals that actually my Self, my Body, my Impulses, My Soul if you wish, they love me and they want the best for me. I have a history of depression, severe illness and self-destruction in my younger years and somehow the idea had creeped into my system that my Body, my Self was not to be trusted. “Look what happens if you let go of control. Look what happens if you find yourself alone” I cannot describe you the beauty of the moment I could so deeply feel how this is NOT true. How my impulses and deeper values are the ones to be trusted. Paradigm shift. Beautiful. inspiring. powerful.

Fiona Singer, 28, Holland

“Eternally grateful!”

I will be eternally grateful to you as that burning in my yoni, that I had for THREE YEARS, has never returned with the same intensity since our sessions. You offered me so much support when I was really struggling and strung out and when I went projecting all over you, you handled it with grace and humility. 

An account of Layla’s session with Eyal appears in her book “Wild Woman in the Bedroom,” available on her website.

Caroline Layla Martin Sexuality Educator, USA http://www.layla-martin.com/

“Helped me to peel off the layers that prevented me from living more fully, more orgasmic, connected and so much more.”

After reading a sample of Eyal’s upcoming book ‘Pleasure Power’ I immediately felt I would love to work with him to help me connect deeper to my sexuality. I have felt stuck for a long time and could not find my way out of this blockage on my own. Being a coachee with Eyal has been a great experience. Supported by his radical clarity, and experience I became rapidly more conscious about myself in many aspects of my life and how I express myself. Very confronting, but it was exactly what was needed to expand more. To me, Eyal embodies an empowered, intelligent, sexual and creative human being, and by that he made me curious to live up to my own potential too. He has a lot to share on self development, sexuality, creating abundance in life and business by sharing our gifts in clear, direct ways. His consciousness has quite some penetrative power to cut bullshit!

I never would have thought I could experience myself as an orgasmic woman so fast! During my third Skype session he guided me into an orgasmic state that was very pleasurable, intense and it lasted for hours. It has transformed my outlook on myself as a woman dramatically and stimulated me to go further on my journey of awakening.

Also attending the intro workshop ‘Intimate Power I’ has been much fun and gave me many eye-openers on sexuality, male-female dynamics and the orgasmic potential that we all share as human beings!
Working with Eyal in several ways (skype coaching, reading and watching his blogs/vlogs, individual hands-on session, attending his workshop) has given me plenty of new experiences, insight, information and pointers on my journey that I still use today and also start understanding deeper.

I am very grateful to him and feel deep appreciation for his work and offering. I realise now that these new experiences I got with him have been extremely important to start creating a new paradigm from within. Going out of my comfort zone and out of my box (blockage) with the support of somebody like Eyal, who has travelled the path of tantra, self development and expansion with such commitment, perseverance, honesty and love, is in one word wonderful! Thank you Eyal, for being who you are and for your guidance. You have helped me to peel off the layers that prevented me from living more fully, more orgasmic, connected and so much more!

Sitie Djarkasi Thai Massage Teacher & Practitioner, Holland

“A profound spiritual experience – truly transformative.”

It was like a crescendo of all the healing work I had done before and it feels like life will not be quite the same after this. I felt so secure and safe all along. I allowed myself to totally let go of all control and was encouraged to continue exploring by going deeper and deeper in myself in a way I don’t think I would ever dared on my own or with a lover.

There I was, a person who not so long ago felt almost asexual and pleasure-fobic, in a sort of full body orgasm that lasted for more than two hours. It was a profound spiritual experience – I’m so grateful for this opportunity and can highly recommend other women to try out what it can do for them. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart.

Elena Medical doctor and Researcher, Sweden

“It was a profound ecstatic and healing experience.”

You have taken me deep inside myself. It was a profound ecstatic and healing experience – wild and tender, with all the integrity and presence I needed to completely let go and get in touch with a missing part of myself. I can still feel the effect of it in many aspects of my life, especially my love making. Thank you.

Tara Journalist, New Zealand

“I have reclaimed my sexual power.”

Prior to attending these sessions, I had what I considered to be a healthy sex life and experienced great clitoral orgasms, but only very few internal orgasms. After sessions with Eyal, I have now experienced orgasms by myself without physical contact. Eyal has very high integrity, and has a strong presence, and I felt comfortable, and in a very safe and sacred space to share my emotions. The transformation for me has been a powerful journey. I am extremely grateful to Eyal for guiding me with this awakening. I now feel like I have reclaimed my sexual power, and have an enhanced feeling of femininity.

Lily Entrepreneur, Australia

Coaching SessionsWorkshop TestimonialsGoddess Awakening SessionsArticle Testimonials

Article Testimonials

Yesterday I discovered something very amazing!
I was horny since a while, was in a kind of orgasmic state more or less through the day. In the afternoon I rested a bit, laying on my bed, then I put in my jade egg, pleasured myself everywhere, also internal, slowely and conciously. There was the urge to go to the toilet, but before that I brought me to a delicious orgasm which included my whole yoni, I experienced a light clit but even stronger cervix and womb orgasm. When I went to the toilet later I squirted. That was not urine. It was a shiny, clear, delicious tasting liquid. I have experienced this in the past but never thought that this might come from the G- spot.

The beautiful thing is that I’m quite horny today, it hasn’t disappeared, I’m very happy, with me and the world, there was a great emotional release and I find joy and love. It is in myself.

Just wanted to report that.

Thanks for your presence, Eyal.


“I feel like I have discovered the root of my pain and I’m actively changing my thought patterns into healthier ones”

What really stuck with me was the list of limiting beliefs. I poured out about 15 limiting beliefs ranging from “I am dirty” to “Only weak men love me.” This was such a revelation because even though they looked obscene on paper, I knew that these were my “truths” — those core values that were in my heart. I took those beliefs, wrote out direct counters to them, and ritualistically deleted the old ones. I have had my new list on my door where I see it every morning before I leave and I can feel the new beliefs settling into my heart, such that I don’t even remember a lot of the original negative versions.

I feel like I have discovered the root of my pain and I’m actively changing my thought patterns into healthier ones. I am making a lot of progress even though I’m a little blocked in self pleasure, but I think the better I become at holding my own space, the more I will reconnect with my sexuality.


“You have literally helped change my life.”

I appreciate what you do and all the information that you have shared so far has been very transformational. I can’t believe how much I didn’t know and the unnecessary amount of pressure I was putting myself under, trying to ‘orgasm.’ The best lessons I have heard have been about ‘mini-orgasms’ which finally made sense to me:) and reassured me that I am not insane and the fact that you clearly named exactly what I feel through a clitoral climax. I hope your upcoming book will be an e-book. Count me in to want to learn more! Thank you for sharing so openly and so freely. You have literally helped change my life.


Well understood, integral spiritual & practical approach for women’s orgasmic expansion.

I read your messages and find them filled with such beneficial, grounded and inspiring words. I have really never come across another person offering such a well understood, integral spiritual & practical approach for women’s orgasmic expansion. Keep up the awesome work!

Holy Wodetzki Dance teacher, Brisbane http://www.sacreddance.com.au/

I had no idea about this, but it worked! I had lots and lots of goddess spot orgasms. First time ever. Beautiful. I cried a lot. It was so easy but nobody ever told me how.


Coaching SessionsWorkshop TestimonialsGoddess Awakening SessionsArticle Testimonials

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