Unleash your Pleasure Power – Tantra Weekend Workshop, Netherlands

Do you have issues or challenges, pain, discomfort or inhibition around sexuality?

As a man:

  • Do you sometimes come too quickly?
  • Are you REALLY pleasuring your partner?
  • Are you connected to your masculine essence?

As a woman:

  • Are you experiencing deep blissful orgasms?
  • Are you really satisfied by your sex life?
  • Are you connected to your feminine essence?


  • Having Amazing Sex for hours,
  • Experiencing Whole-Body Orgasms for long minutes or even hours,
  • Connecting with your partner with love, passion, and meaning,
  • Having more confidence, energy, vitality, and focus

How would that feel?
How would that affect your life?


You don’t have to imagine…

This workshop will teach you how to have all that – and more:

  • Learn how to become an amazing lover
  • Discover and unleash the power of your sexual energy
  • As a man – master your ejaculation and pleasure her for hours
  • As a woman – Learn how to have deeper, stronger, whole body orgasms – Whenever you want
  • Learn to control your menstruation, decrease the side effects and prevent loss of vital energy
  • Turn just-sex into love-making
  • Let go of guilt and shame around sexuality
  • Embrace yourself as a sexual, loving, and spiritual person

But having amazing sex is just the beginning !

This workshop will teach you how to harness your sexual energy to be more happy, healthy, empowered and successful in all aspects of your life. This is the secret that is hardly mentioned in other traditions – Sexual energy can transform your entire life. You will become more successful in your studies, career, creative and social life.

What previous participants say

“Thanks for opening new worlds for me.”

I want to thank you for your teachings, new insights, knowledge and experiences. The same sunday night I dated a new man and experienced my first G-spot orgasms. Like you said, your workshop can change lives immediately. Thanks for opening new worlds for me, thanks for your love and dedication.

Margareth Holland

“I feel it in every cell of my body – I am radiant!”

A million words are going through my mind to describe the transformation inside me, but there are no words. I feel it in every cell of my body. Thank you Eyal IntimatePower for creating the space and the work that you do. And I am thanking myself for allowing me to be a part of this workshop. I am radiant!

Lisa Holland

Amazing and life changing!

Justin Marc Dickinson Charity organization founder

Singles and couples are welcome!
Singles will deepen their own sexuality and will then be able to attract better partners.
Couples will deepen their connection and intimacy and transform their sex lives and relationship.

We will share theory, solo and couple exercises, secret techniques and exercises, and suggestions for later practice.

This is a safe, sacred and fun environment.
There is no sex, no genital touch and no nudity, because we want to show you how much pleasure and ecstasy you can have with your clothes still on…
You could choose if you want to join any exercise, and we have counselors there to support you

This is not just another Tantra workshop.

This weekend is a serious investment in your sex life, health, happiness, relationship and in your future success.
It’s not the cheapest workshop around.
It’s not for everyone.
It’s only for those who are truly committed to their growth and evolution, and who are determined to dedicate time, effort and money.

Is that you?

What’s the investment to change your life?

€680 – VIP ticket

This includes a ticket to the workshop, and a Skype/phone coaching session with Eyal.
This will give you the best possible value, and help you tailor the workshop to your specific needs.
Contact Eyal  personally for this option.

€380 – Workshop only

This includes the complete two days, where you will hear theory, do exercises with yourself and others, and learn practices and techniques for you to practice later (registration on the door is an extra €30, if there are still spaces)

€330 – Early bird

A limited number of discounted tickets are available.
If your funds are limited, you better book now.
First come – First served.

Book here

Note: The door price on Friday evening is 410 Euro.

Money back guarantee: If you didn’t think it was worth it, we will refund your full payment (as long as you didn’t miss more than an hour of the workshop).

Charity: 10% of our profits are donated to a charity that helps and educates children, theLet’s care Foundation.

Event details:

Location: Kunst en Huis, Polonceaukade 28, Amsterdam,Netherlands

Date and time: 12-14 December 2014:
Friday 18:30-22:00
Saturday and Sunday 09:00-21:00

Book here

Tea and snacks are provided throughout the weekend. Please bring your own lunch.
The workshop will be conducted in English with occasional Dutch translation.

Further details will be provided upon registration.
For questions and inquiries, please contact Maaike +31-(0)614265138  maaikeaker@hotmail.com

Intro evenings

The Friday evening is open for people to drop-in, as long as there are places.
Entrance is 20 euro.

About Eyal

Eyal Matsliah of intimatepower-5df041.ingress-daribow.ewp.live

Eyal has been studying and practicing various forms of Tantra, Sexuality, Yoga, Meditation and healing modalities since 2000. He is known for his integrity, humor, strong presence, and grounded approach; You will be inspired and blown away by his real-life stories and experiences. Eyal has held workshops in Thailand, Australia and Europe and spoke at festivals such as Byron Spirit Festival/AUS, Celebrating Sexualtiy/AUS (“Sexcamp”), UnitedBliss in Berlin, Angsbacka Sweden, and others.

“My life purpose is to empower you to express your sexuality, and harness it to express your life purpose”

Book here


Are you feeling challenged, apprehensive, or reluctant to join?

Maybe that means that your sexual issues are stopping you from being happier, more free, and living a more meaningful life?
If you think your sex life is already good, ask yourself how much better can it get? How much pleasure can you experience? How much pleasure and healing can you bring to another person? How can you use your sexual energy to transform all aspects of your life? How can you  become successful, wealthy, healthy, rich, and bring meaningful value to others?

“I’m not ready to join”

You will never be ready.
No one will knock on your door and give you the “You are ready” certificate. How many more years do you want to wait before you face this integral part of your life? If you are reading this, it means that there’s a part of you that wants to resolve your problems and enjoy this essential part of life. If you are reading this, it means you are ready.
If you have any kind of problem, or if you want to make your sex life even better, it means you’re ready.
Progress in life comes from pushing beyond our comfort zone, from facing our fears, from taking risks. That is where the magic happens.

“I can’t join because I’m single”

That’s great!
You will become more independent and empowered in your own sexuality, and be able to attract better partners. You might even meet someone at the workshop. It has happened in the past.
If you wait until you have a partner, there might not be another workshop, or it will be more expensive and you wouldn’t have the money, or your partner will be busy that weekend, or your partner will not be ready and willing to join this kind of workshop.

“I can’t afford it”

Life is about priorities.
If your roof collapsed or your car broke down and you needed €300 to fix it, would you find the money?
How much are your sexual problems costing you?
How is your career, income and wealth hindered because of your sexual issues?
How much more money can you make during the upcoming months if you learn how to cultivate and channel your sexual energy? (hint: a lot!)
To make it easier for you, here are two options:

  1. Borrow the money from friends, and pay the early bird price – 330 €
  2. Put a 100 € deposit to secure your spot, and pay the remaining 330 € during the 2 months following the workshop. That includes an administration fee of 50 €.

“I don’t have the time”

As above, life is about priorities.
If your parent/partner/best-friend/child was in trouble – would you find the time to be with them? Can you find the time to help yourself? This workshop will greatly improve your life, and might transform it completely. Is that worth a weekend of your life?

“Can I join only Saturday or Sunday?”

Only in special cases, as approved by the workshop organizer. You still have to pay for the whole weekend, and attend the Friday evening.

“I can’t join because my partner can’t come”.

If you are reading this, it probably means that this workshop is important to you. Your partner might never be ready for this workshop, or find the time.
Do you want to stop your evolution and growth because of that?

You will not be required to do anything you don’t like with another person, man or woman. And when you come back home, you can share what you learned with your partner. They will be grateful.
Thus, only one of you will do the workshop, but both of you will immensely benefit from it.

Other questions?

Contact Maike. Her details are above.

Book here