Conscious Business, Purpose and Wealth Coaching

Live your purpose, your mission, your higher calling.

Express your talents and gifts.

Help and serve others by doing what you love.

Feel fulfilled, proud, inspired and grateful, from bringing value and contribution to others.

And enjoy both money and extra time to be with your loved ones.

Would you like to turn this vision into a reality?

I can help:

We will first raise your self worth, dissolve limiting beliefs about money and wealth, change patterns of thought, speech, and actions that sabotage your success, and discover what your soul really yearns to express and to share.

Then we will  anchor these new beliefs and patterns in your life, and create strategies to help you get what you want.

You can have a stand alone session of about an hour, that will help you with any of these topics. You will receive my written notes and recommendations as well as a recording of the session.

To know more, schedule a free discovery session here

But the best results will obviously come from joining my exclusive “Inner Circle” of private coaching clients. The coaching process is comprised of skype, phone, and email sessions over 2-3 months. You will receive more coaching time, features, and special bonuses from me, and thus you will gain much more value from this process.

To join the “Inner Circle” coaching program, I will need to interview you and to see if you fit the program. 

“I feel more powerful and confident and I am more aware of the unique gift I have to share with the world.”

If you are serious about yourself and sharing your gifts with the world and you are ready for some kick-ass-no-drama coaching that leads to immediate results like being more sexual, more happy, and having more income, than Eyal is definitely your man.

Read the full text of the testimonial here.

Krista Steenbergen Krista Steenbergen Intimacy Coach

  • To know more, schedule a free discovery session

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