Ejaculation control program – Last longer in 30 days – CLOSED

How lasting longer could change your life

Learn a simple 5-step process to help you last longer,
gain confidence as a man and take your partner to orgasmic bliss!

From a 1-minute-wonder to lasting all night

‘You came already??’

It had happened again. I had hit it off with this gorgeous Austrian woman at a party, and we’d snuck off back to hers to fool around. We started making out, then filled with nervous energy I rushed ahead. I put on a condom, entered her…
After a couple hours flirting on the balcony, we snuck off back to hers.We passionately made out for a few minutes before I eagerly rushed ahead. I put on a condom. I entered her… and came on the spot.Then my heart sank further as I heard those dreaded words.

‘You came already?!?’

I couldn’t help feel terrified that my body would always let me down like this. That I was destined to have short mediocre sex forever..

My journey through a world of awful advice

I decided that I wouldn’t accept this supposed fate and started searching for a new approach. I hit many dead ends by following awful tactics of squeezing bits or breathing weirdly, uncovering yet more hopeless advice that was nonsense or even damaging. But when I attended my first Tantra workshop in 2005, I discovered the craziest bit was that it was all in my head. I learnt to pay attention to my thoughts and feelings during sex, and everything quickly clicked into place. Suddenly I could last as long as I wante. For the first time I was able to truly enjoy sex and leave my partner fully satisfied.

From disappointment to coach

To my surprise, other men started then asking me for advice about how they could have this transformation.

  • How do I stop coming so quickly?
  • How do I last long enough to please my partner?
  • How do I have an orgasm that is truly satisfying?

Through helping and individually coaching all these men, I gradually created program that has helped them achieve their full potential in bed. Now it has become my mission to help both men the world over take control of their sexual energy and bring the benefits into the rest of their daily lives.

When we saw each other again, our love making was much more charged than usual and multiple times that day… the effects are obvious (more desire, turned on, aliveness) – Jordan Philips

I had all your content swirling in my head while I was having sex with two amazing Hungarian women and was able to help contribute to both of their orgasms with penetrative sex while I’ve somehow managed not to ejaculate. It’s 1:40 AM after a long day and I’m feeling full of energy and, in fact, heading back to their place now.– Matt S.

The benefits of subliming the sexual energy has been more self-confidence, more energy, more creativity, everything that’s discussed in the program. – Kevin

Learn to last as long as you want

Having coached men individually for many years, I want to reach a wider audience.

That’s why I’ve created the Ejaculation Control Programme, an online course that you can go through from the comfort of your own home. This includes

● Over 10 hours of video, where I talk you through these new mindsets so you can master your self-control
● 5 core modules that will take you through the steps needed to build up a new approach to orgasms
● Each module includes exercises, because yes, this does require regular hands-on practice
● Access to the secret facebook group, so that you can reach out for support from myself and other men on the same journey
● Advanced bonus modules, so that you can learn to bring these skills into a partnership and blow her mind

Through this sexual re-education, you’ll learn to pay attention to your mind & body, gaining a control of your sexual performance that feels completely natural.

Just imagine it. You and your partner lying there filled with the bliss from sharing deep orgasms instead of having her awkwardly comfort you saying ‘it happens to all men sometimes’…

This is why I created my own definition for the premature ejaculation issue that I’ll help you solve. After hearing hundreds of women describe how dissatisfied they were with most men’s performance in bed I came up with the following:


Women on average will take 20 minutes to reach a deep, meaningful orgasm, so coming in 5 minutes just doesn’t sound fulfilling for either of you.

But it’s not even about that.

We’re not just aiming for ticking-the-box mundane sex. We want an experience that creates a deeper connection between the partners. Love making that lasts for as long as is needed to build the intimacy, whether that’s minutes or hours, because you’re in full control of your reactions.
ove making that lasts for as long as is needed to build the intimacy, whether that’s minutes or hours, because you’re in full control of your reactions.

A 5-Step Process to Orgasm Control

I’m not going to make a ridiculous claim that you’ll become a sex god overnight. We’re talking a proper transformation here, and these things take time.

Past students notice changes appearing quickly, but that the new skillset takes 30 days to really develop.

Ideally, you should find 30 minutes a day for the course. This will be a mixture of reviewing the material, quiet reflection on the suggested topics, and active practice of the new techniques.

This material is arranged as a five-step system to controlling your ejaculation, a method that I’ve developed by coaching men like you. These steps are

1. Why
2. Feel
3. Stop
4. Move
5. Transform

This sequence first addresses the foundations of your thought patterns and moves onto how to master these life-changing skills.

Find your WHY, and confront your issues

We’ll begin with some guided introspection to become aware of what is really motivating you. You will be challenged to get to the truth of why you have sex, and why you want to last longer.

If you figure out your true why, then the how becomes much easier. You’ll begin by confronting these issues and learning new ways of thinking before moving onto…

Learn to FEEL and STOP, and why the point of no-return isn’t where you think it is

Yup, there will be ‘hands-on’ exercises.

With the Feel and Stop exercise, you will learn about and practice
paying attention to your level of arousal,
how the point-of-no-return isn’t where you think it is,
how to control this level of arousal.

From this, you can ride out your own pleasure instead of hitting that dreaded ‘Oh no! Not already?!?’ moment. You’ll adopt an attitude of discovery and exploration, finding out what’s possible outside of the methods of jerking-off you made up as a teenager.

MOVE that built-up energy

Along with the WHY, this is a key part missing from other courses.

With this step, you will move the sharp, intense ejaculation energy away from your genitals and transform it into a whole-bodyorgasm. To achieve this, you will learn

Basic ways to move your sexual energy as it builds
How to use breath to move your energy
How to use kegels, and most importantly when to avoid using them

This section by itself will help you last even longer and start experiencing new pleasure sensations.

BONUS: Advanced techniques to move your energy

Many students want to take this part of their learning even further, so I have included a section on advanced techniques. These are the most advanced, powerful and secret skills that i’ve studied in the past 15 years with tantric masters from India, Thailand, and China. You will learn

– The strongest yoga technique to move your energy
– How to correctly perform the “fire breath”
– How to use your mind to move your energy (Look – no hands!)

And how to apply all of this to have amazing sex with your partner

How to apply this to TRANSFORM your sex life

Step 5 is about using these new abilities to transform your partnered activities.

I will show you
– The best ways to discuss these practices with your partner so that they understand and support your practice.
– How to apply your new awareness into having longer, deeper and more awesome sex
– The path to tantric sex, and how to spread your awareness to your partner

I have even made an extra video you can show your partner so that she ‘gets it’. With the tantric lesson, you’ll then be ready to adapt to her needs to grow the pleasure for both of you

BONUS: Troubleshooting

You might hit some stumbling blocks along your journey. Sometimes your control will slip, and you’ll want some extra guidance. That’s why the course includes extra lessons that cover

– Why this practice might be challenging and how to deal with “accidents”
– What to do if you’re feeling too horny
– How to deal with wet dreams
– 20 mistakes to avoid when trying to last longer

If these aren’t enough, then there is a secret facebook group to reach out for advice from others, or with the premium package you will be able to talk through any issues with me.

The Basic and premium packages

The basic package

The basic package gives you everything mentioned already, including all the videos and bonuses, but if you really want to get the most out the course then the other packages include individual coaching

The premium package (recommended)

The material is all in the basic package, but many people benefit from receiving personal guidance. That is why I would recommend the premium package.

As well as the basic content, this includes

– A 1hr skype or phone session with me, so we can talk through any mental blocks you’ve encountered
– 2 support/QA small-group webinars where we can address some common issues directly
– 1 email support interaction with Eyal for when you need to sort out that small thing that’s not clicking
– 1 signed and dedicated copy of “orgasm unleashed” sent anywhere so you can better understand the women’s perspective

If you want to ensure you master all the essentials of the course, this is the package to choose.

Money Back

100% Money-back guarantee

The testimonials show that the programme works with amazing results. But just in case, I offer a 100% money-back guarantee during the first 30 days after you join the program if you’re the slightest bit unsatisfied.

So even if you’re just curious, why not come have a look. If you decide the course isn’t for you, then you’re free to change your mind.