Are you sometimes getting so horny that you can’t sleep, can’t think straight or can’t function at work?
I know some women who feel they will go crazy or die if they don’t have sex (read: FUCK!) during some days of their cycle, and some men who would fuck anything to relieve themselves.
Sounds familiar?
Consider this question from one of my subscribers – a woman in her late 20s:
There comes a point (usually around ovulation) at which, although I feel excellent during the day, the build-up of sexual energy gets so strong that if I don’t have a clitoral orgasm, I can’t fall asleep at night. Then I have less energy again to work with. I don’t like having clitoral orgasms and they make me have all the symptoms the next day that you described, but I literally don’t know how to fall asleep without having one.
Being horny is good sign that you are healthy, but too much of a good thing is still too much.
So – What to do?
How to deal with being too horny?
There are two ways to approach this:
I know that some of these ideas might seem awkward, but if you’re really horny, give it a try and see how it works for you.
Move it
The sexual energy is trapped in your 2nd chakra, just above your genitals. If you manage to move it throughout your body, you will feel less horny, and be able to function, and sleep.
Some suggested ways to ‘move’ the sexual energy:
1. Exercise – Working out is a great way to look more toned, be stronger or lose weight. It also releases endorphins, which are natural chemicals in your body that makes you feel better. Get a good Cardio workout by power-walking or jogging. Do body-weight training aka calisthenics (exercises you can do without equipment, such as push ups, crunches, squats, pull-ups, planks, or lunges), go to the gym, or go for a swim. You might have a very orgasmic exercise.
2. Dance – This is another great way to move or express sexual energy. Try ecstatic, intense, energetic kind of dancing. Not sensual dancing as this will only create more sexual energy.
3. Yoga – If you’re already practicing Yoga, try the following, otherwise seek the guidance of a competent Yoga teacher.
– Inverted positions, such as head stand, shoulder stand, hand stand, and plow position, each done for 5-10 minutes
– Uddiyana Bandha (aka the abdominal suction)
– Intense yoga practices like Ashtanga Vinyasa or Bikram (hot yoga)
4. Visualization – Visualize the sexual energy going up your spine. Focus on your third-eye to draw the energy there. You don’t believe in ‘energy’? Just try it…
5. Fasting – Drink only water during the days you feel the sexual energy at its peak. This helps deplete the first two chakras. In addition, avoid or decrease alcohol, chocolate, sugar, animal products, as well as heavy and processed foods, throughout the month.
6. Get a massage – sometimes the sexual energy is stuck because of tensions in the body. A deep tissue or vigorous massage can help release some of these tensions. Specifically, ask to have your lower back and sacrum massaged.
7. Cold showers – Not highly recommended, but they might help.
[See more tips below]
Use it
Learning how to harness your sexual energy is what transforms a sexual person into a successful/creative/powerful/wealthy/spiritual person.
You can do these practices instead of, or after the “Move it” practices mentioned above, if you feel you still have a lot of sexual energy left.
8. Do something creative – write, paint, sculpt, cook, or work in the garden.
9. Masturbate with internal stimulation – If you are feeling so much sexual energy, it is nearly guaranteed to cause an internal orgasm. Keep “drawing” the energy/orgasm up your spine and spread it throughout your body with your hands and with visualization. Make sure you avoid clitoral stimulation, or that you practice drawing your clitoral energy inwards and turning it into an internal orgasm. Read more about internal stimulation here.
10. Have sex – Duh! If you have so much sexual energy and you have a partner, having (penetrative) sex is a great way to use this energy. Make sure he doesn’t cause you to have a clitoral orgasm, and be aware that your heightened arousal might make it more challenging for him to control his ejaculation. When my ex was ovulating, often I couldn’t even penetrate her because otherwise I would ejaculate.
11. Ask for a yoni (vaginal) massage – Again, if you have partner, have him (or her) massage your yoni, especially if he can’t penetrate you.
12. Visualize your perfect partner – Sexual energy has the power to create and manifest. Visualizing the man or woman you would like to be with – how they look, what they do, their character, how they make you feel. Keep focusing on this image and you might soon attract them into your life.
13. Act on your mission – Find something you are madly passionate about, believe in, and committed to; Channel your sexual/creative energies into it. If your mission is something you can do from home, at night, you might find that you get extra creative, productive, and inspired.
14. Housework – I recommend outsourcing everything you can, but if you still have housework to do, consider doing it at those time when you’re full of energy and can’t sleep.
15. Help someone – If you have so much energy available to you, use it to make a difference in the world. Ask for volunteering options at your local youth center, hospital, community center or old people’s home.
16. Meditation – Last but not least, although you might feel a bit all over the place, see if you can sit in silence for 10-20 minutes or longer, focusing on your breath, your third eye, or your crown chakra. Witness any thoughts, feelings or sensations, and just let them pass without reacting to them. Bring your focus back to your object of focus.
Do you have other tips and techniques that work for you?
Try some of these suggestions, and let me know how it goes.
Share your experience below in the comments.