Ideal Life Exercise

In order to live a better life, you need to have a picture, a vision, of what that ideal life looks like.

The easiest is to project 6 months into the future. Be realistic, but allow yourself to dream out of your comfort zone.

First, describe your life in general.

How does your life look like?

Include sexuality, relationship, creativity, business, fun, spirituality, health, and the offering of your main gift/service, eg coaching, creating, healing, etc.


Create a description of how an ideal day looks like. The kind of day you would like to live most of the month.

What do you do in every hour of the day?

How do you feel?

Whom do you see?


Describe your ideal week, month and year.

There are some things you wouldn’t do every day, but rather once a week, eg go to a dance event once a week, go away on a vacation weekend once a month, do a meditation retreat once a year, etc.


Then, describe your ideal life in 3 years. Just your life in general, no need to do this for your day, week, month in 3 years. Just your life in general.



Here’s my ideal life exercise, last updated late 2016:


In April 2017:

I am happy, healthy, strong, content, creative, playful.

I have temporary residence on the way to permanent residence in australia.

I hardly use the word “busy” and have lots of free time to pursue all my interests.

I have 5 close-male friends in melbourne who are entrepreneurs, wealthy, spiritual, life-style and personal development enthusiasts.

I naturally and effortlessly create and share.
I have a team of 3 part-time people taking care of everything and helping me create, write, release content and products, speak, hold workshops and coach.

I effortlessly attract opportunities, clients, friends, lovers and meaningful moments.

I’ve integrated sexuality, creativity, business, lifestyle and spiritual practice into my life and my offerings.

I have a strong libido but able to go without sex if needed.
Sex is passionate, loving, fun, and sacred.
I hold erections for hours and have whole-body multiple non-ejaculatory orgasms.
Continence is easy and natural to keep.

I’ve released my 2nd book about sexuality and femininity and it’s been an amazon best seller in the sex category for the past month.

‘Ejaculation control program’ online product is selling at $297 and bringing A$10,000 profit per month, after advertising, fees and affiliate commissions. I’m spending 10 hours a month on it, including webinars, commenting, admin, etc.

I’m making an additional A$30,000 a month from coaching, speaking and workshops.

I’m charging A$900 an hour, and $2200 for a basic monthly coaching package of two sessions.

My online women’s program is making 15k a month.

I publish a few blog posts and articles per week, on my own website and on the most popular websites in the world.

Wear nice, special, comfy designer cloths.

Drive a 4 year old red Audi S1

I’m working with 12 amazing clients on an 8 months average coaching journey.


I wake up in my rented house in an outer northern suburb 30 minutes drive away from fitzroy.
there’s nature all around.
next door neighbours are 30 meters away.
It’s green and lush.
I have a garden with grass, trees, bushes that I can be naked in.
There’s butterflies and birds.
There’s a small spa-pool outside and very close to the house.

There is a a study and living room area which is facing north and west, the bedroom is facing east, the living room and the balcony wraps around the northern side of the house.

the house has only one floor.

Rent is 1500$ a month including bills.

I wake up at 6:30am, after 7 hours of refreshing sleep.
30m – do my morning stuff, cold shower, drink water
10m walk to a hill and watch sunrise
45m – meditate on the hill
20m walk, yoga, stretching and exercise
– while listening to audiobooks
(total 1:45)

20m – journaling, wealth clearing, intention setting
1h writing, creating, editing, shooting videos

I text my woman and tell her how much i love her, wishing her an amazing day holding her women’s workshop and that i’m looking forward to seeing her that evening.

15m cook
30m brunch in the garden or the living room
10 read or watch something inspiring
5m prepare for the session
5m break

1:15h skype session, being paid 800$A (3-4 times a week. other times follow up on private clients and subscribers, lead generation, JVs)
15m send notes and follow up on other clients

10m take a walk outside
20m project management
1h podcast interviews, editing, promotion, writing,
10 break
10 snacks or light lunch

15m read
1h sleep
15m get up

20m errands, email, HR, logistics
40m biz dev, networking, promotion, marketing, advertising

5pm – 1h- read or study (sometimes hold another session)

7:30pm – 1h – walk, exercise and watch sunset (earlier in winter)
15m shower
8:30pm cook and eat dinner outside in the garden in the semi shade or in winter in the living area with the sun coming in.

spend the evening with my woman. make love, share massage, watch a movie, talk (3-4 times a week, other times be alone, meet a male friend, or go out)

10:30pm read
11pm go to sleep


Body work session twice a week, at $1000.

Self pleasure 2-3 times a week for 20-30 minutes.

Gym 3-4 times a week.

Swim in a pool, lake or ocean once or twice a week.

meet a male friend 2-3 times a week.

once a week on monday review financials, for 20 minutes

I receive a massage once a week, at home or at a nice spa.

Hold a webinar once or twice a week.

3 times a week leave home at 7 and go to dance, movie, performance, dinner, friends,

Once a week spend time and have sex with another woman who looks and feels totally different to my primary partner.

Go to a gallery, exhibition, concert, performance, modern dance once a week.

spend half a day a week in the CBD, for meetings, workshops, give talks etc.

On weekends or in the middle o the week – nature, car racing, hiking, sight-seeing,

Once a week hold a paid public talk at a conference, gathering, seminar, convention, etc.

Sense deprivation tank, once a week.

Water fast once a week for 24-36 hours.



Once a month hold a weekend workshop. Alternating between sexuality and conscious business.

once a month, Spend a long weekend or 2 nights in mid-week, with my woman, away in nature

Once a month, I hold a one or two day workshop or coaching for wealthy clients at their fancy residence. charging A$4000 per day.

In March 2017, i’m making a consistent 30k a month from products, coaching, workshops and speaking.

Dirty dancing event twice a month, 100 people at an average 30$ per person

IDEAL YEAR in early 2017

travel to another part of australia 2-3 times a year, mostly byron. vacation, workshops, sessions

vacation in bali or thailand or other tropical place 1-2 times a year, for 2-3 weeks at a time.

visit to israel and europe twice a year, combined with a public workshop and a private workshop for wealthy clients.
Visit the US or another place outside AU for work and vacation, once a year.

Hridaya retreat, 10 days, twice a year.

7-10 days detox, once a year.

content creation
wealth clearing
interact on my fb groups




In three years,

I’ve appeared on oprah’s super soul sundays, google talks, ted talks and spoke at the UN.

i’m often described as the “tony robbins of sexuality” or even “the new osho”.

I have australian citizenship,

I have been in a meaningful romantic relationship for nearly 3 years. both of us see other lovers occassionally. she supports me and my mission and I support hers. Sex is amazing, sacred, ecstatic, loving, orgasmic.

I effortlessly attract opportunities, clients, colleagues, friends, lovers and meaningful moments.

My online programs are bringing in $50k a month

I’m making an additional $40,000 a month from coaching, speaking and workshops.

I travel in australia and internationally to hold weekend workshops, speak and coach.

I travel for fun, leisure, culture, inspiration,

I hold private workshops for affluent people once or twice a month, getting paid 10k per workshop.

I re-embraced and expanded my hobbies to include martial arts, improv comedy, photography, cooking, free diving, a few kinds of couple dancing, gardening, sky diving and surfing.

I have a flying license and own a small Cessna plane.

we have a vegetable garden that provides a third of our food.

Wear nice, special, comfy designer cloths.

Drive a tesla.

I’m working with 8 amazing clients on a 1 year average coaching journey.