Inner Circle Coaching Package Policy

Welcome to the IntimatePower inner Circle.

This policy is meant to set understandings and expectations between us, and ultimately it’s meant to make our process smoother to aid you in your growth.

Skype sessions are usually held every two weeks, usually on the same day, for ease of scheduling.
Additional sessions outside the coaching package will be charged at the standard rate.

Payment for each two months coaching period is due on the 1st of the month, unless agreed otherwise. Thus, payment for for February and March will be transferred on February 1st.

Refunds are not available. If you decide to leave the coaching process, you lose any unused sessions.

Canceling or re-scheduling a session is possible up to 12 hours before the session, via the “cancel/reschedule” link in your booking confirmation.
Canceling a session less than 12 hours before the start, or not showing up for a session more than once attracts full payment, or counts as that session having been delivered.

I might occasionally need to delay or re-schedule our session, because I need to be at my best in order to guide you.

Schedule your session here:

Our main focus will be sexuality, creativity, and business.

However we can also discuss any other topic that you want to share or that is bothering you and I might be able to guide you even if I don’t know the topic. Such is the beauty of coaching.

If you want to focus on any specific subject, please make that clear at the beginning of the session.

Before each session:
Please ensure your computer, skype, microphone , earphones and camera are working well, and that there is enough light on your face.
Prepare a summary of your homework progress, general progress, questions to ask, and your goals for the session.

During our sessions I might challenge, confront, or push you to face your fears, change your limiting beliefs, and step beyond your comfort zone.
This is what makes me a good coach.
However, if you feel you need to express yourself, and just want me to listen to you, that’s also possible but please make it super extra crystal clear.

Remember that i’m not criticizing or judging you, just guiding you to step deeper into who you really are.

Be aware that after the initial excitement, you might have a “dip”, doubts about the process/timing/yourself/Eyal or big challenges surfacing in your life.

Remember that you are here because you’ve committed to yourself, to your sexuality, power and mission. Recognize that what you are feeling is part of your past conditioning/patterns/stuff.
Let me know how you feel (skype-text!), do what you can, seek support from the FB inner circle group, rest and allow it to pass.

Be aware that anyone who has some shame around sexuality, trauma or negative experiences with other practitioners, might project their shame on to you. With that in mind, don’t share the details of our sessions, process or homework, with anyone who isn’t genuinely sexually open and has some experience with this work.

Coaching journeys are 6-12 months by default.

You might feel that “you can do it by yourself” after 2-4 months but be aware that you might revert back to your old ways, or just stop growing. Besides that, all successful people have coaches and mentors. I have a few.

Your homework is a vital part of the coaching process. This is what anchors each sessions’s realizations in your life.
It is you who is responsible for your growth.
I will only give you homework and deadlines that we both agree are realistic and do-able.
You aren’t expected to do everything perfect, but the more you do – the better you will feel and the faster and deeper your transformation will be.

Make sure you allow yourself enough daily and weekly time for both rest and activities which are
feminine, non-goal-oriented, bodily, embodied, emotional, fun-and-exciting or easy-and-relaxed. (Men: this applies to you as well)

Self pleasuring is an important part of the process, and what sets me apart from other coaches.
Begin the coaching process with a 30 days self pleasuring practice, then if you discussed with Eyal, drop to 2-4 times a week. Please avoid clitoral orgasms (stimulation is ok) and men should avoid ejaculation.

The InnerCircle FB group is an important part of the package.
It also includes resources that I share first with my InnerCircle members.
Please post there at least every week about your progress, and support other women in the group by offering your services or just sharing words of encouragement.
Please remove yourself from the group one week after you finish coaching with me.

I commit to keeping confidentiality regarding your name and your process.

Please let me know if you DO NOT want to be in the secret FB group, as this will expose your name to the 3-10 women which are there at any time. I’d suggest that gradually you will stop keeping this work a secret.

Please email me with updates on your homework, general progress and any questions you might have 4-7 days after each skype session. This is part of your package, and keeps our process going between the sessions.
Being accountable to me will make you more accountable to yourself.

I sometimes take 4-6 days to answer emails.
For urgent questions, or to alert me that you’ve sent an important email and want my guidance, please use Skype-text. This is also part of your package.

Please don’t communicate via Fb messages.

Calling or texting my phone is reserved only for clients on the VIP level, but please do that for emergencies, if I don’t answer your skype-text.

A note about me:

I am only human.
I don’t know everything.
I succeed because I keep trying.
I might make mistakes.

You are welcome to share any concerns or feedback you have for me, but generally focus on healing and changing yourself, not me…

If you have strong opinions or emotions about me, please do share that with me, so we can see if it’s your projection or my responsibility. Don’t hold stuff inside.

Thank you for trusting me with your process, and I’m looking forward to guiding you and witnessing your growth.




Last update: September 2016