Wealth and Money Mindset Coaching Template

These questions and assignments have helped me and my clients offer more of our higher gifts, reach more clients, and raise our rates.
I used to share it only in private sessions, and now I’m called to share it with all of you as an exclusive resource for the Inner Circle club:

1. Baseline:
1) How much are you CHARGING per hour/session/day?
2) How much are you MAKING per month on average ?
3) How much are you SAVING per month on average?

2. Why not charge half of what you charge right now ? (establish self worth, value of time and service)

3. What if someone paid you to stay home, do nothing, and NOT offer your gift?

4. How about charging triple of your current rate? what comes up?

5. Limiting beliefs:
1) Say out-loud “I’m okay with being rich” – how true does it resonate 1-10 ?
2) Complete the sentence: “rich people are…” over and over again.
3) What are the problems or negative things you associate with money, making money, or being rich?
4) What did you hear/learn about money and rich people when you were young?
5) Now find how each one isn’t true, or at least not true for you, or not a major issue

6. How has being poor, or not having enough, has hurt or limited you and people you know in the past?

7. How would more wealth, or X$/month serve you in your life? serve your values, mission, family, others, the world?

8. Write 100 things you would do, buy, have, give to others and places you will visit if money wasn’t an obstacle
** this is one of the most important – get started on this asap.

9. Identify 3 values that are most important to you – what do you care about, appreciate, notice, surround yourself with, inspired by, touched by whomever – write how having 10 times more money will serve those values and bring them to the world

10. Write 30-50 possible expenses in the next 10-20 years

11. Read: “How to Make a Hell of a profit and Still Go to Heaven” by John De Martini