My 7th day on the water fast – nearly finished

Yesterday was my 7th day on a water fast. It has been an epic experience. Challenging and rewarding. I was tired and weak most of the time, sometimes even brain-foggy, and suddenly on the 7th day got very clear and energized and had the longest and most vigorous power-walk in the whole week. This morning, the 8th … Read more

The most powerful orgasm she ever had

I help women experience new and powerful orgasms even via skype coaching. Read this meaningful and heart-warming account of one of my client’s experiences: “I think I had the most powerful orgasm ever in this session without any insertion! I started with hands on the yoni and breast and my spine was slightly undulating like … Read more

How would you change the world with a hundred billion dollars?

If you had a hundred billion dollars, how would you use it to change the world? (You can only use a bit of it for basic sustenance, no Ferarris or Guchis etc) I feel there’s a combination of charity, investing, research and public-opinion shifts. This is what I would do: 1. Invest 1 billion $ in a … Read more

Hot burning coals! My fire walk and other news

As you might know, my focus is not just sexuality but also personal development, wealth creation, and lifestyle design. Recently I: – Flew from Sweden to the Netherlands to see my favorite DJ (a young french guy called Worakls, who combines soul, electro, melodies and grooves into an irresistible delight) and danced full-on for nearly … Read more

Unleash your Pleasure Power – Tantra Weekend Workshop, Netherlands

Do you have issues or challenges, pain, discomfort or inhibition around sexuality? As a man: Do you sometimes come too quickly? Are you REALLY pleasuring your partner? Are you connected to your masculine essence? As a woman: Are you experiencing deep blissful orgasms? Are you really satisfied by your sex life? Are you connected to your … Read more

Orgasmic transformation after 4 months of skype coaching

A client shares: “My orgasmic experiences: High sensitivity at the entrance of the vagina, lips awaken when I gently squeeze and stroke them. Around the clit deeper sensations, not sharp, but soft, embracing. G-spot: very longing, very present, bright, clear, sweet. Squirted after orgasms when the G-spot is involved. Further near the cervix: profound, massive, … Read more

How to stick to your new year’s resolutions

The new year approaches. Like every year, you make new years resolutions. Then, around January 3rd, or at most January 20th, you stop doing them. The next time you think about your past year’s “new year’s resolutions” is when the next year approaches. So, how do you make and keep a new year’s resolution? By … Read more

Heike Prevrhal Testimonial

Incredibly Empowering For All The Women Who Are Ready – Exactly What’s Needed Right Now! “I am very happy about this book and all the insights and exercises it offers. This is for women who are ready to step into their power. Who are tired of holding back and attempting to please others. Who are … Read more