Welcome Consciously Speaking Podcast listeners

Welcome “Consciously Speaking” podcast listeners. As you know I was recently interviewed by Micheal Neeley on his podcast at  Consciously Speaking, which aims to help others, who like himself, have a true and deep desire for self development and change. Its a place where he gathers advice from experts in many fields to help those with … Read more

Conscious Career – The seven aspects of being paid for doing what you love

Doing what you love doesn’t necessarily ensure you will get paid for it, or that it is a conscious career. There are other pieces of the puzzle that make it a genuine conscious career, and a sustainable endevour: 1. Love – You love doing it. This is obviously the basic premise. You would do this even if … Read more

Conscious business as a spiritual tantric practice

Conscious business is the art of creating value by sharing your gift and serving others. Marketing is the art of creating resonance between yours and your ideal client’s core values. Money and wealth are the external symbols of value creation and exchange. Joy, fulfillment, purpose and meaning, are the inner symbols. The combination of both … Read more

How would you change the world with a hundred billion dollars?

If you had a hundred billion dollars, how would you use it to change the world? (You can only use a bit of it for basic sustenance, no Ferarris or Guchis etc) I feel there’s a combination of charity, investing, research and public-opinion shifts. This is what I would do: 1. Invest 1 billion $ in a … Read more

How I turned my hobbies into income streams

How do you turn your hobbies into income streams, businesses and profits? In my work as an integrated coach, I get asked a lot how to do that. So before I teach you how to turn your own hobbies into income streams, let me share with you how i’ve done it. I’ve been an entrepreneur … Read more