Beyond Yoni Massage – Holding the throat, mouth and eyes

Here is a clip from our workshop intro for “Beyond Yoni Massage – Awakening Female Pleasure” exploring differnt areas of the body that are often passed by when giving sensual massage. You might also be interested in: Beyond Yoni Massage – Awakening Female Pleasure – Krystal Testimonial Is your partner supporting you or stopping you from … Read more

Beyond Yoni Massage – Awakening Female Pleasure – Krystal Testimonial

The wonderful Krystal attended our “Beyond Yoni Massage – Awakening Female Pleasure” Weekend workshop in August. Hear from her about her experience. “The highlight is always the practice, being able to actually do it and to see Eyal facilitate so beautifully. The harmony, trust and openness of the group was amazing to see.”   You … Read more

Medicine Path: Unleash your pleasure power workshop review

One of our wonderful workshop participants has written a great blog about his experience in the ‘Unleash your pleasure power’ workshop. Check out the full article here.  “It’s clear to see that healthy sexuality and sex is MASSIVELY suppressed in our Western culture and society. As Eyal bluntly stated, “Sex education is fucked.” It’s no surprise … Read more


This past weekend i’ve held “Yoni massage – awakening female pleasure” workshop. It was powerful, profound, meaningful, insightful, but also effortless and fun. Our lovely participants went through deep experiences, realizations and transformations. There was pleasure. There was pain. There were confusion, sadness and anger that came up. There were bliss and grace. There were … Read more

‘My Favorite Things 2’

  Podcast episode: 1) FORGED BY FIRE: John O’Leary, has lived through worse than most can imagine. At age nine, a fire burned 100% of his body. He endured, persevered, and survived – largely because others emerged, served and inspired. He now lives to share the life-giving lessons from his story in a new book, … Read more

Unleash your pleasure power workshop june 2016

Thanks to all the beautiful participants of this life changing workshop. It was such an incredible journey over the 2 days and I could already see you all expanding, cracking open and releasing your potential! Looking forward to the next one in early September! You might also be interested in: Welcome Consciously Speaking Podcast listeners … Read more

Awakening female pleasure workshops

After over 10 years of sexual healing and coaching, I’m excited to announce that i’m starting to share my experience with individuals and sexuality professionals. My goal is: To teach men how to touch, pleasure, heal and empower women To teach sexuality professionals to serve and empower clients on a deeper level I’ve started my … Read more

Flyers arrived for our upcoming June workshop

Im so excited!! This workshop is going to be huge. There’s so much I’ve learnt and experienced and realized in the past few years and i can’t wait to share it with you. More details and book your spot at This was first shared with my instagram followers. To subscribe to my instagram feed, … Read more