Dansual – Couples’ sensual dance (Video)

I’ve created a new dance form, event, and movement called “Dansual”, which is Dance+Sensual.

It incorporates elements of modern, latin, ecstatic, ballroom dance and other forms of dancing, as well as acro-yoga and other modalities.

Although there are some moves, Dansual isn’t about the moves but about tuning into the energy between the dancers, listening to the body, and following the intuition to hold, touch, and move.

Dansual teaches you to develop sensitivity and perception of your own body and your partner’s body.

If you learn Dansual, you will be able to dance with people who think they don’t know how to dance, because you will be able to tune into their body.

While most forms of dance forbid sensual and sexual expression between dance partners, Dansual embraces it.

It is a form of dance which allows you to bring all of you into the dance, to express your loving, sensual, raw and sacred aspects.

But the goal isn’t to “get off” but rather to cultivate and channel sexual energy.

You can dance with your partner, or you can dance with others, and that’s all it is – a dance.


Dansual invites a man to lead a woman and a woman to follow and surrender to a man’s guidance.
Thus, both of them go to places neither can go on their own.
(You can reverse these roles or engage in same-sex dances, as long as there’s a clear lead and follow in every moment)

Dansual is currently being taught in Melbourne and parts of it are included in my weekend workshops and retreats.

To know about upcoming dance events, follow my fb page.

If you would like to organize a dance workshop or event in your city, please contact me at eyal@intimatepower-5df041.ingress-daribow.ewp.live