I’ve developed a new service called ” The spark session” which is about connecting to the inner essence, qualities and “spark” you had as a child, before life/parents/school/peers/society influenced you to be someone else.
I’ve been holding “the spark sessions” for my clients, and they are loving it!
They have more ease and flow in their life.
They are happier.
People in their life are noticing the change.
So i finally did “the spark” on myself, and realized i was a sweet, cute, loving, innocent, curious and mischievous child. I smiled and laughed a lot. I played. I spent lots of time outside the house. I rode my bicycle.
I loved girls and women.
I believed i can express my love for them without holding back.
I loved and accepted myself.
So i’m going back to my spark, back to my essence.
I’m embracing who I was, and who I really am.
I’m allowing myself to be cute and sweet once more.
I am accepting that I am enough, and that I’m loved for who I am beyond any israeli macho tantric spiritual smart masks.
I don’t need to be “Strong”.
I don’t need to achieve anything, to do anything, to prove anything, to hide my insecurities, weaknesses, challenges and fuck-ups (there’s a lot, but after all, there’s none).
Yesterday I attended the Tantric transfiguration ritual and allowed myself to express this sweet side. It was so beautiful.
I’m finding that I already have a different connection with people, with my friends, even with random people. Maybe that’s why that security guard let me into the club for free the other night.
I’m becoming aware of unconscious language, behavior, and body language patterns that are/were part of the controlling dynamic and letting them go.
I’m connecting deeper to my feminine side, and discovering new aspects of my masculine side.
Suddenly i’m not running after people (or less, at least), and some people are seeking me. It flows when and where it needs to.
So you can call me “eyali” or “eyalush”, which are pet names of “eyal”, and sound and feel much softer.
This photo reminds me of who I am.
Welcome, back, Eyalush.
To know more about “the spark sessions”, you can email me at [email protected].
I’m thrilled to share it with you.
Thank you Sasha Cobra, Alani Kelly, Courtney Maria Halsted, Vanessa Florence, Grant Lenaarts, Elise Savaresse, Arion Light for being part of this leg of my journey.
I love you. I love myself. I love life. I love god.