The health risks of breast implants

BREAST IMPLANTS CAUSE VARIOUS ILLNESSES 3 years ago I published the book  “Orgasm Unleashed – Your guide to pleasure, healing and power” where I wrote: “It’s important that you learn to love your breasts as they are, regardless of their shape and size. So I generally advise against getting breast implants. There are many side … Read more

If you want to be free – Stop hiding

Listen to the spoken word version: You say you don’t want to share that in public, that you’re afraid, that you’re not ready, that it’s not the right time, that someone might be triggered, that you might lose something. I hear you. That’s ok. For now. But know this: When you can publicly share what … Read more

If you want a man – let go of the boys (Poem)

You are yearning to open, yearning to surrender, yearning to be loved, and yearning to express your love. You are yearning to, but afraid to. What you are afraid of, is what you are yearning for. The man you yearn for will make you feel safe, but he will also scare you just a little … Read more