Here are a few reasons why a woman may not be interested in intercourse.
1. Disconnection from her body, her sexuality and her femininity. Many women live in their head, focusing on goals, achievements and competition, and are disconnected from their feminine aspects which are related to their body, emotions and sensations.
What to do:
Commit to daily self pleasuring which includes internal stimulation;
Dance by herself and in conscious dance events;
Meditate daily and bring awareness to the body
2. Pain during sex.
Many women carry abuse and trauma in their bodies leading to physical pain in their vaginas during sex, or feeling of anxiety around nudity, genitals, bodily secretions and the whole sexual act. When they think about sex, they know it’s going to hurt.
What to do:
The daily self pleasuring mentioned above is an amazing practice that allows a woman to heal herself, by herself.
I would also recommend seeing a sexual surrogate, sacred sexual healer, or tantric bodywork professional who holds a body work session that might also include vaginal touch and massage.
3. The partner might not be a good lover.
The average man comes in 5 minutes from the moment of penetration. The woman might feel “what’s the use having sex if it’s gonna end so fast”. Or he might last long but be very mechanical and superficial.
What to do:
Have your man Google “how to last longer”, read “the multi orgasmic man” by Mantak Chia, and both of you can explore the practice of “karezza”, which is penetration without friction.
He or both of you can also read books that teach you how to be better lovers
How do you relate to these factors?
What is stopping you from having sex?