Vanessa Florence is a visionary and a leader in the areas of sacred sexuality, erotic dance and feminine empowerment.
She is the creatress of Dancing Eros journeys for women, Celebrating sexuality (aka Sexcamp) festival and co-creator of Mother-Tongue spoken word events. She is also passionate about being an entrepreneur, personal development, self expression and Beyonce.
She deeply inspired me when we were together in 2012, supported me with my own sexuality and creativity, and helped me a lot with my business. She’s totally ON-TO-IT!
I have recently interviewed her for my “interviews with integrated people” series and it resulted in an inspiring conversation and sharing of ideas.
Show notes:
- What is dancing eros and why she created this practice
- The Maiden, Wild woman, Slut, and Priestess archetypes in dancing eros
- Expressing yourself in the bedroom helps you express yourself in your life.
- How to connect to your sexuality
- Why erotic-dance is so important for women
- The “killer” instinct and how it can help women
- We have to be the sex we want to see in the world (~Eyal)
- Her own journey in becoming sexual and confident as a woman. She once felt timid and awkward about herself.
- Why self pleasuring is important for sexuality and business
- Her vision for conscious erotic dance
- Her journey with psychosis and the mental-health institutions.
- How to bring an idea into reality
- When the pain of being closed hurts more than the pain of opening
- “Just fucken do it!”
- Sit in the suffering of not doing what you yearn to do
- Why perfectionism doesn’t serve you
- How to be a leader?
- Why you need to make yourself number 1
- Why she is so public about her private life, and what she doesn’t share
- The war of art by Steven Pressfield
- http://vanessaflorence.com/
- https://dancingeros.com/
- http://www.celebratingsexuality.com/
- Dancing Eros – Eyal’s experience of a conscious erotic dance ritual
Thank you Stefan Markworth for the excellent videography and Jiles O’Neal for editing and youtube magic.