Unconventional female orgasm secrets that actually work

I am in the process of writing a book (update: it’s published! here) about the female orgasm, and I’d like to share with you some of the unconventional secrets of female orgasm that i cover in the book. This is what you can do in order to orgasm for the first time or to have stronger, deeper … Read more

Amber Leitz interviews Eyal

I was interviewed by Amber Leitz about Hour Long Orgasms, Deep Sexual Healing and Surrendering to the Masculine. Here’s what we talked about in this episode: Eyal’s journey with sexual awakening and how he came to explore female sexuality Orgasmic activation that will allow you to enter into an hour-long orgasmic state – without even needing to … Read more

Alejandra Nicolazzo Interview

Alejandra Nicolazzo interviews sexuality empowerment coach, speaker and author Eyal Matsliah on The Awakening Men, and the role women play in bringing out the best in men. In this talk we cover: • How women seduce and enchant • Mistakes that women make as a result of misunderstanding men • A vision for the sex industry and its … Read more

Subtle Disruptors: Interview

You can also check out my interview and others at Subtle Disruptors. “I don’t think there is an area of our collective lives that is more hidden, shamed, repressed and misdirected than our sexuality. If we could embrace and understand our sexuality, learning how to express and explore it in an enabling, opening and life brining way, … Read more

Soften – A poem

    Soften. You’re carrying so much stress and tension in your mind and body. I get it. Life, relationships, parenthood, money, health, sex, work, study, tasks, projects, responsibilities, errands, promises, practices, to do lists, or just, you know “stuff”. Can you let all of that go for just one minute? Know that for one … Read more

Shashi Solluna interviews Eyal

Shashi Solluna interviews Eyal for LiveTantra Watch it here: “Awakening female pleasure”, the online program we mention, opens just a few times a year for a few days. Watch free videos from the program and read more about it here. Ladies: “How to teach a man to pleasure and connect with you” – Read and … Read more