How I chose between business and pleasure

Are you torn between two passions that you want to pursue? I actually had 3 passions i had to choose from. I became successful as a sexual healer and educator, co-founded a Tantra school, held sessions, talks and weekend workshops, and was known as the “tantra dude”. But i also had a passion for personal … Read more

Hong-Kong airport ramblings December 2015

Hong-kong airport. I have 6 hours between flights. Security with a thermal imaging camera screening arrivals for the latest marketed virus. Another sec stands at the top of the escalators, stops random people and zaps their head with a contact-less thermometer. Some travelers with face masks. Mostly asian. Should I stay or should i go … Read more

European Tour ’13 by Eyal

Europe – Here I come. Over July-August, Eyal will be presenting in festivals, holding Tantra workshops and facilitating private sessions, all over Europe. If you are interested to organize a workshop, hire a venue, take care of promotion, and sign people up, or if you know others who might be interested to do so, kindly … Read more

Are you a poor healer?

I have been living in or passing through many spiritual, holistic and alternative communities over the past 10 years or so. I’ve met many amazing healers and holistic practitioners, who have been learning, practicing and sharing their healing abilities for years, sometimes for most of their lives. People with a good heart, who genuinely wanted … Read more

‘Orgasm Unleashed’ book launch party in Melbourne, November 2015

Last night I officially launched the paperback version of ‘Orgasm Unleashed – Your guide to pleasure, healing and power’. We had an erotic dance performance, I gave a short talk, a woman friend read an excerpt or the book and we had a short QA session. We also enjoyed champagne on the balcony overlooking the … Read more