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How a woman’s arousal is different than a man’s

Watch Listen: THERE’S MORE… If you want to become a better lover, to learn how to deeply connect with your partner and pleasure her more than either of you thought was  possible, check out “Awakening Female pleasure” – an online video program that teaches you how to connect to a woman and awaken her pleasure. My … Read more

When emotions arise in conscious lovemaking.

A man asks: “How to help women overcome intense emotions of anger arising during lovemaking?” Eyal: It’s natural for a woman to have a lot of stuff come up during long and conscious love making. It brings awareness to things that she may have suppressed for years, and the build up of energy also intensifies whatever … Read more

My fears of expressing sexuality in public

Recently i went with my lover to a spa and got confronted with my fears around being told off or punished for touching myself and/or her. Share your own experience in the “Sexual empowerment for women/men” fb group. You might also be interested in: The three minute game (wheel of consent) Beyond Yoni Massage – … Read more

Erection guilt

How to deal with guilt over not having an erection, or being erect when it’s not safe to ?   You might also be interested in: If you want a man – let go of the boys (Poem) EJ Love : “Eyal’s work is on another level” (video) How sexual guilt and shame affect your … Read more

Case study – How this woman changed her limiting beliefs with Eyal’s book

I just wanted to write and let you know how much your free ebook has helped me grow in the last two months. I found the progression of questions thoughtful and insightful—it got my gears turning and helped me go deeper each time. What really stuck with me was the list of limiting beliefs. I … Read more

Case study – Ejaculating to satisfy your partner

An approximately  forty-year-old man shared this with me: “My semen has beautiful healing qualities that my wife relishes and needs. With me leaving myself inside her she carries around hours and hours of post-coital pleasure that outlast anything my body can provide – I couldn’t deny her that!” After asking him if he’s open to … Read more