Medicine Path: Unleash your pleasure power workshop review

One of our wonderful workshop participants has written a great blog about his experience in the ‘Unleash your pleasure power’ workshop. Check out the full article here.  “It’s clear to see that healthy sexuality and sex is MASSIVELY suppressed in our Western culture and society. As Eyal bluntly stated, “Sex education is fucked.” It’s no surprise … Read more

Are we sexually repressed and don’t know it?

As a sexual empowerment coach, I get to know a lot about what’s happening in people’s bedrooms, and in their minds. When I tell people that I’m a sex coach, some of them get uncomfortable, awkward and evasive. These are educated, intelligent, successful and influential people, so why does the prospect of discussing such a … Read more

SexCamp video interview with Eyal

Eyal talks about the workshops he and Emma will be presenting at the upcoming SexCamp festival, just outside Melbourne, at the end of April. You might also be interested in: Tantra as personal development – Video from De Liefde Festival Tantric practitioners – stop the “happy endings” Welcome sex-campers

Tantric practitioners – stop the “happy endings”

Sexuality practitioners: Are you doing “happy endings” or are you really empowering your clients? This is a video rant that I’ve shared today about what tantric massage practitioners and other professionals could do to take their offering to the next level. Full transcript below: Hey. Eyal Matsliah from Intimate Power, with what is possibly a … Read more

Interview with Shashi Solluna : Orgasm Unleashed

  Recently i was interviewed by my friend and colleague Shashi Solluna from Live Tantra about my book “Orgasm Unleashed: Your guide to pleasure, healing and power“.   Here is a full transcript: Shashi: I’m really excited today I’m hanging out with Eyal Matsliah and he is the author of Orgasm Unleashed. The word has … Read more

Is it finally time to resolve your sexual issues?

As a sexuality coach, i chat with many people about their sexuality and sexual issues And what i hear isn’t pleasant. Most men I speak with have issues with their performance in bed, lasting longer, or bringing their partner to orgasm. Some love women but afraid to approach them. Others are in a relationship but … Read more

Unleash your pleasure power workshop june 2016

Thanks to all the beautiful participants of this life changing workshop. It was such an incredible journey over the 2 days and I could already see you all expanding, cracking open and releasing your potential! Looking forward to the next one in early September! You might also be interested in: Welcome Consciously Speaking Podcast listeners … Read more