When emotions arise in conscious lovemaking.

A man asks: “How to help women overcome intense emotions of anger arising during lovemaking?” Eyal: It’s natural for a woman to have a lot of stuff come up during long and conscious love making. It brings awareness to things that she may have suppressed for years, and the build up of energy also intensifies whatever … Read more

Case study – Ejaculating to satisfy your partner

An approximately  forty-year-old man shared this with me: “My semen has beautiful healing qualities that my wife relishes and needs. With me leaving myself inside her she carries around hours and hours of post-coital pleasure that outlast anything my body can provide – I couldn’t deny her that!” After asking him if he’s open to … Read more

Masaje Del Yoni Que Cambiará Tu Vida

¿Qué pasa si te digo que un simple masaje podría cambiar tu vida? Que existe una práctica que podría aumentar su confianza, mejorar sus relaciones y liberar a su diosa interior, simplemente aprendiendo y practicando algunas técnicas básicas. Me gustaría compartir con ustedes el poder del masaje Yoni y por qué debería hacerlo parte de … Read more


Find the English language original here: Can great sex transform your life? ¿PUEDE EL BUEN SEXO TRANSFORMAR TU VIDA? ¿Estás enfrentando algún desafío en tu vida sexual? ¿Cómo afecta a otros aspectos de tu vida? A menudo escucho a los clientes decir “mi vida es genial; solo tengo un problema con mi sexualidad”. Después de … Read more

Vanessa Florence on Dancing Eros, sexuality and creativity – Interviews with integrated people

Vanessa Florence is a visionary and a leader in the areas of sacred sexuality, erotic dance and feminine empowerment. She is the creatress of Dancing Eros journeys for women, Celebrating sexuality (aka Sexcamp) festival and co-creator of Mother-Tongue spoken word events. She is also passionate about being an entrepreneur, personal development, self expression and Beyonce. … Read more

Beyond Yoni Massage – Talking as a tool

Touch is an amazing tool, but there is so much more to explore in holistic sexual healing, like using your voice, your presence and your attitude. In this clip from the “Beyond Yoni Massage” workshop intro night, I demonstrate some of the ways we can use talking as a tool for healing, empowerment and pleasure. … Read more