Medicine Path: Unleash your pleasure power workshop review

One of our wonderful workshop participants has written a great blog about his experience in the ‘Unleash your pleasure power’ workshop. Check out the full article here.  “It’s clear to see that healthy sexuality and sex is MASSIVELY suppressed in our Western culture and society. As Eyal bluntly stated, “Sex education is fucked.” It’s no surprise … Read more

Unstagnate: podcast interview with Almog Flitter

I was recently interviewed by Almog Flitter on his podcast at  Unstagnate, which aims to help others, who like himself, have a true and deep desire for self development and change. Its a place where he gathers advice from experts in many fields to help those with an open mind to continue there journey of learning … Read more

Are we sexually repressed and don’t know it?

As a sexual empowerment coach, I get to know a lot about what’s happening in people’s bedrooms, and in their minds. When I tell people that I’m a sex coach, some of them get uncomfortable, awkward and evasive. These are educated, intelligent, successful and influential people, so why does the prospect of discussing such a … Read more


This past weekend i’ve held “Yoni massage – awakening female pleasure” workshop. It was powerful, profound, meaningful, insightful, but also effortless and fun. Our lovely participants went through deep experiences, realizations and transformations. There was pleasure. There was pain. There were confusion, sadness and anger that came up. There were bliss and grace. There were … Read more

The problem with the sex industry

They don’t call it ‘the oldest profession in the world’ for nothing. Prostitution has existed throughout recorded history and is here to stay. But there are huge problems with the sex industry. The sex industry actually includes many kinds of sexual services – peep shows, strip shows, erotic dancing (no contact), lap dancing (contact on … Read more

Sexual self-inquiry questionnaire

Before you set out to change or ‘fix’ anything, it’s important to look at your life and see where you are limiting your self. Limitations can come from many factors such as: Childhood and upbringing Sexual and relationship history Sexual beliefs and preferences Connection to femininity Other lifestyle factors You can identify issues and limitation … Read more