
This past weekend i’ve held “Yoni massage – awakening female pleasure” workshop.
It was powerful, profound, meaningful, insightful, but also effortless and fun.
Our lovely participants went through deep experiences, realizations and transformations.
There was pleasure.
There was pain.
There were confusion, sadness and anger that came up.
There were bliss and grace.
There were playfulness and joy.
It wasn’t just about yoni massage.
Honestly, i reluctantly named the workshop “yoni massage” to attract people and so they know what i’m talking about.
What the workshop was really about was teaching men how to pleasure, heal, and empower a woman; how to contact to their masculine essence and lead her, and how to embrace their own feminine in order to feel and relate to her.
And the women learnt how to receive.
So many women have issues with receiving and letting go.
So this was an opportunity for them to receive touch, attention, pleasure, healing, love.
They got to express their pleasure, and let go of their pain.
They learnt how to better communicate and guide their men.
They witnessed other women receiving sessions from me during the workshop, and some of them saw for the first time another woman in a state of a one hour orgasm.
The workshop isn’t just about genital touch.
I was teaching them how to touch, pleasure and activate the whole body.
It’s not about techniques.
I shared meaningful mindsets and approaches that are more important than any technique.
This is a dream come through for me.
For many years i’ve been yearning to share what I’ve learnt, what i experienced and what i do, with men and women.
I’m not interested to be the best lover in town.
I want to empower people on how to open themselves and others to pleasure, healing and power, and ultimately, to god, divine, higher self, universal consciousness, or whatever you prefer to call that.
This isn’t just about sex.
This is about living a balanced, meaningful, full life.
It’s about having the energy to share your gift, the inspiration to create, the confidence to stand up for who you are and what you believe in.
Sexual energy empowers your life!
I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to hold this workshop.
Thank you Fiona and Charlie for organizing and helping.
Thank you Lauren Hamence, Krystal Alexander-Hille and our other model.
Thank you to all the other participants.
Thank you Pulse for creating a sexually-permissive space in Melbourne.
Thank you all my teachers, lovers, colleagues and clients.
Look out for the next workshop – Unleash your pleasure power – which is all about connecting to your own sexuality.
Proud and humble, excited and touched, grateful and delighted,

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