Tantric practitioners – stop the “happy endings”

Sexuality practitioners: Are you doing “happy endings” or are you really empowering your clients? This is a video rant that I’ve shared today about what tantric massage practitioners and other professionals could do to take their offering to the next level. Full transcript below: Hey. Eyal Matsliah from Intimate Power, with what is possibly a … Read more

‘My Favorite Things 2’

  Podcast episode: 1) FORGED BY FIRE: John O’Leary, has lived through worse than most can imagine. At age nine, a fire burned 100% of his body. He endured, persevered, and survived – largely because others emerged, served and inspired. He now lives to share the life-giving lessons from his story in a new book, … Read more

Is it finally time to resolve your sexual issues?

As a sexuality coach, i chat with many people about their sexuality and sexual issues And what i hear isn’t pleasant. Most men I speak with have issues with their performance in bed, lasting longer, or bringing their partner to orgasm. Some love women but afraid to approach them. Others are in a relationship but … Read more

Orgasmic transformation after 4 months of skype coaching

A client shares: “My orgasmic experiences: High sensitivity at the entrance of the vagina, lips awaken when I gently squeeze and stroke them. Around the clit deeper sensations, not sharp, but soft, embracing. G-spot: very longing, very present, bright, clear, sweet. Squirted after orgasms when the G-spot is involved. Further near the cervix: profound, massive, … Read more

Craig White Testimonial For Coaching With Eyal

Craig White is a leader in his field, a successful rugby coach who is branching out into men’s work. Here he details what he has gained from coaching sessions with me, and how you too could benefit! Check out Craig’s amazing work here.  “My name is Craig and I started to work with Eyal about … Read more