How to sleep through the night

Lisa asked: Any suggestions on how to sleep through the night? Hey Lisa, I am a human-potential coach with focus on sexuality, creativity and business. I have been studying yoga, meditation, tantra, wellness and healing modalities since 2000. A few tips: Meditate before sleep for 10-20 minutes. Just witness your breath. Gentle slow yoga is … Read more

Gift activation – What is my gift ?

what do your friends ask you for advise ? how are you unique? what are three things that make you memorable ? what are the special talents that you are genetically coded to do? what have you been good at since you were a kid? what do people always compliment you on? what do you … Read more

Why multiple orgasms are just the beginning

If you have read my previous articles (see here), you are more aware of the orgasmic potential of your body. Perhaps you have been practicing some of the techniques I’ve shared and you might already be experiencing some orgasms beyond the simple clitoral orgasm. Many women will be satisfied with that, and that’s okay. But what I … Read more

Gift Activation and Conscious Business Coaching

This is another resource I only shared with clients during 1-on-1 sessions. You aren’t an employee, otherwise you wouldn’t be my client, so get started on this ASAP: 1. Write down every positive thing you ever heard from another person, specifically clients: What do your clients rave about to others? What do they love and … Read more

How making sounds can unleash your orgasms, help you heal, and empower you as a woman

The British lord William and his wife, lady Mildred, are having their monthly intercourse on a Sunday afternoon, just before their afternoon tea. – William, is it “in” yet? – Yes, Mildred, it’s “in”. – In that case, (she whispers) “ah”. You don’t want to be Mildred, do you? Sound is one of the basic … Read more

Orgasm Unleashed – Your guide to pleasure, healing and power

Are you struggling with reaching deep fulfilling orgasms? How would it feel if you could easily orgasm for hours? How would it affect your relationship, career, and other aspects of your life? My book ‘Orgasm Unleashed – Your guide to pleasure, healing, and power’ answers all of these issues. The purpose of this book is … Read more

Elphie Coyle on the five forms of freedom – Interviews with integrated people

Colin ‘Elphie’ Coyle is a creator, liberator and agent. He became financially independent in his early 20s doing what he loves – game development – while employing, educating and supporting up to 250 people at a time. He is also a business mentor and a sensuality teacher, holding workshops and working on his next book … Read more

What’s stopping you?

Do you have some “stuff” which is stopping or delaying or sabotaging you? Let’s face it, We all have issues, problems and challenges – we all have “stuff”; Stuff which is stopping us from… experiencing the pleasure we desire, having the relationship we yearn for, expressing our true gifts, and living a more meaningful life. … Read more