Ejaculation control – The three steps to lasting longer

Do you last as long as you want in bed?
Are you confused with all the advice out there?

Most men ejaculate within 5 minutes of penetration. Some finish even faster.
And women are not happy about this.

When men try to look for solutions for this problem, they get all sorts of confusing advices, like, squeeze this, breathe there, etc.
This is why they get inconsistent and unsatisfying results, at best.

To be able to master anything, you need to have an understanding of it and a method that gives you constant feedback and makes you better over time.

The intimate-power method of ejaculation control

After practicing this for nearly 15 years, I’ve developed this method to help you:

First, reflect on why coming too fast doesn’t serve you and how it’s affecting your relationship, confidence, wellbeing and even career. Realize how controlling your ejaculation can transform your life. This will give you the reason, the ‘Big Why’ to commit.
You will see life-changing results when you commit to controlling your ejaculation and when you put in the time and the effort to master it. You can do a short ritual to symbolize your commitment. For example, light a candle and set an intention to dedicate this practice to your relationship, mission, or spiritual realization.
Reflect and commit again every time you have sex.

Then, when you have sex, there are three things you need to do: Feel, Stop, and Move

1. Feel
Be aware of how aroused you are.
If your orgasm is %100 of your pleasure, your ‘point of no return’ (PNR) is at around %80. If you reach this point, it’s already too late, and you will fall into the ejaculatory response.
So, during masturbation or sex, keep feeling into how aroused you are, and make sure you stay at around %40-60 of your pleasure.

2. Stop
You cum when you are too aroused.
So, how do you last longer?
Before you get too aroused, before it’s too late, simply STOP – either pause or actually pull out. Sometimes you will need to move away from her or even leave the bed.
This is where most men fail, so make sure you slow down or stop well ahead of the PNR.

3. Move
So you’re feeling you are too aroused, and you stop.
And then what?
Think of your pleasure, arousal and sexual energy as a heavy liquid, a heavy load (yep…) that you are carrying in your genital area.
As long as you are carrying this heavy load, you remain too aroused, too close to the PNR, and you can’t keep having sex.
You need to MOVE this load, move the sexual energy, away from your genitals, into the rest of your body and specifically up your spine.

There are many techniques and practices to move the energy, and some of them take time to master, but here are a few ideas:

– Exhale fully and hold your breath for as long as you can. Repeat three to ten times.
– Lie on your back, completely relax all your muscles and allow the sexual energy to move up your body
– Conversely, consciously squeeze all the muscles in your body while holding your breath.
– Squeeze your pc muscle
– Visualize the sexual energy going up your spine, and try to feel the sensations that follow.
– Take a freezing-cold shower
– Do any posture that gets your chest below your genitals such as a hand-stand, head-stand, shoulder-stand, or plow position
– Do some push ups, crunches, pull ups, or other calisthenics. Focus on sending the sexual energy to your muscles.

I know it sounds weird to do some of these exercises in the middle of sex.
Get over it.
Your partner will be happy when you come back to bed and keep penetrating her for much longer.

Remember that you need to keep moving the energy until you feel that you’re not so aroused. Only then should you continue to have sex.

The ‘Move’ bit is missing from many schools and traditions that advice men to last longer or avoid ejaculation.
If you practice moving your sexual energy throughout the day, it will be easier to do so when you have sex.

Some men choose to cum after an hour or so, but if you want to experience the life-changing effects of this practice, avoid ejaculation all together, and make sure you keep moving your energy after sex. Soon you will experience whole-body orgasms without ejaculation and never look back.

So, how to control your ejaculation?
Feel, Stop and Move.

What did you learn from this article?
Which of these techniques work for you?