Case study – Ejaculating to satisfy your partner

An approximately  forty-year-old man shared this with me: “My semen has beautiful healing qualities that my wife relishes and needs. With me leaving myself inside her she carries around hours and hours of post-coital pleasure that outlast anything my body can provide – I couldn’t deny her that!” After asking him if he’s open to … Read more

When emotions arise in conscious lovemaking.

A man asks: “How to help women overcome intense emotions of anger arising during lovemaking?” Eyal: It’s natural for a woman to have a lot of stuff come up during long and conscious love making. It brings awareness to things that she may have suppressed for years, and the build up of energy also intensifies whatever … Read more

The Lifetarian Brock Bowen interviews Eyal

Recently I was interviewed by Brock Bowen The Lifetarian. We talked about my work as a sexual empowerment coach, author, and speaker. Check out the full episode here: You might also be interested in: Melissa Ambrosini Podcast Yoni massage – how to heal, pleasure and empower Forge Your Life interview with Richard Phu

Are we sexually repressed and don’t know it?

As a sexual empowerment coach, I get to know a lot about what’s happening in people’s bedrooms, and in their minds. When I tell people that I’m a sex coach, some of them get uncomfortable, awkward and evasive. These are educated, intelligent, successful and influential people, so why does the prospect of discussing such a … Read more

Subtle Disruptors: Interview

You can also check out my interview and others at Subtle Disruptors. “I don’t think there is an area of our collective lives that is more hidden, shamed, repressed and misdirected than our sexuality. If we could embrace and understand our sexuality, learning how to express and explore it in an enabling, opening and life brining way, … Read more

The Sacred Medicine Podcast by Margaret Romero Episode 17: Beyond the Clitoral Orgasm with Eyal Matsliah

I was interviewed by the amazingly talented Margaret Romero on her show called “The Sacred Medicine Podcast”. We talked about clitoral orgasm, how to have deeper and satisfying orgasms, and much more! You can listen to the whole interview here: The podcast can also be found here: iTunes: Stitcher: Google Play: You … Read more

Too Sensitive During Sex? (advice for men)

 What to do when you are too sensitive when having sex? 1 out of every 3 men suffers from premature ejaculation. And the other 2 finish after 5 minutes, on average. To improve how long you last, watch my free ejaculation control program at: You might also be interested in: Yoni massage – … Read more

(I) Love Your Body – A poem by Eyal Matsliah

Listen to a recording of this poem with my deep and Israeli-accented voice: I love your body. I love that scar on your skin. You are such a perfectly imperfect woman. I can stare at it for hours. I love kissing your scar. I love the feel of your scar on my tongue. I love … Read more

Melissa Ambrosini Podcast

Last week I was interviewed by the vivacious Melissa Ambrosini, and her show went to number 1 on the itunes charts for 2 whole days! I was one of the deepest interviews I’ve had and she asked me about things no one has gotten me to talk about yet, it was fantastic! You can check … Read more