Conscious Career – The seven aspects of being paid for doing what you love

Doing what you love doesn’t necessarily ensure you will get paid for it, or that it is a conscious career. There are other pieces of the puzzle that make it a genuine conscious career, and a sustainable endevour: 1. Love – You love doing it. This is obviously the basic premise. You would do this even if … Read more

Matt Schwenteck Unique Tantra Interview

Around early-mid 2016 I interviewed Matt Schwenteck of who is a sexual healer and an educator. We go quite deep into sexual healing, Anal de-armouring. The dynamics of giving and receiving pleasure and Matt also shares some his personal challenges related to this line of work. It is really a deep conversation not just for sexual … Read more

It’s not about you. So, start sharing your gift

It’s not about you. You have a gift, a talent, an expertise, a skill, that wants, that needs, that yearns to be expressed and shared and offered to others. You might be scared, hesitant, feeling unworthy or unsure of yourself. It’s not about you. You might be telling yourself that you’re not ready or not … Read more

Matt Schwenteck Unique Tantra Interview

A while ago I interviewed Matt Schwenteck of who is a sexual healer and an educator. We go quite deep into sexual healing, Anal de-armouring. The dynamics of giving and receiving pleasure and Matt also shares some his personal challenges related to this line of work. It is really a deep conversation not just for sexual … Read more

Craig White Testimonial For Coaching With Eyal

Craig White is a leader in his field, a successful rugby coach who is branching out into men’s work. Here he details what he has gained from coaching sessions with me, and how you too could benefit! Check out Craig’s amazing work here.  “My name is Craig and I started to work with Eyal about … Read more