This past weekend i’ve held “Yoni massage – awakening female pleasure” workshop. It was powerful, profound, meaningful, insightful, but also effortless and fun. Our lovely participants went through deep experiences, realizations and transformations. There was pleasure. There was pain. There were confusion, sadness and anger that came up. There were bliss and grace. There were … Read more

Tantric practitioners – stop the “happy endings”

Sexuality practitioners: Are you doing “happy endings” or are you really empowering your clients? This is a video rant that I’ve shared today about what tantric massage practitioners and other professionals could do to take their offering to the next level. Full transcript below: Hey. Eyal Matsliah from Intimate Power, with what is possibly a … Read more

Interview with Shashi Solluna : Orgasm Unleashed

  Recently i was interviewed by my friend and colleague Shashi Solluna from Live Tantra about my book “Orgasm Unleashed: Your guide to pleasure, healing and power“.   Here is a full transcript: Shashi: I’m really excited today I’m hanging out with Eyal Matsliah and he is the author of Orgasm Unleashed. The word has … Read more

OrgasmUnleashed isn’t just a book. It’s a study guide.

#OrgasmUnleashed isn’t just a book. It’s a study guide. It’s a condensed practitioner training for anyone who’s interested in female sexuality and orgasm. For anyone who is interested in or is working with women. This is not some fluffy book with some ideas. This book can change your life and help you change the lives … Read more

If you want a man – let go of the boys (Poem)

You are yearning to open, yearning to surrender, yearning to be loved, and yearning to express your love. You are yearning to, but afraid to. What you are afraid of, is what you are yearning for. The man you yearn for will make you feel safe, but he will also scare you just a little … Read more

Awakening female pleasure workshops

After over 10 years of sexual healing and coaching, I’m excited to announce that i’m starting to share my experience with individuals and sexuality professionals. My goal is: To teach men how to touch, pleasure, heal and empower women To teach sexuality professionals to serve and empower clients on a deeper level I’ve started my … Read more

Yoni massage – how to heal, pleasure and empower

In this video Eyal goes through how to perform a Yoni massage, as well as the benefits for both the practitioner and recipient. you can also check out the audio here: For more information on Yoni massage, check out my book here. Full transcript of this talk: Yoni Massage, what is it, and what can you … Read more

The most powerful orgasm she ever had

I help women experience new and powerful orgasms even via skype coaching. Read this meaningful and heart-warming account of one of my client’s experiences: “I think I had the most powerful orgasm ever in this session without any insertion! I started with hands on the yoni and breast and my spine was slightly undulating like … Read more

Forge Your Life interview with Richard Phu

I was just interviewed on ‘Forge your life’ with Richard Phu. We talked about how I started with my journey into sexuality, why sexual empowerment is important, and how people are dealing with sexual issues and how it is affecting their lives.   You can listen here, and read full transcript below: Full Transcript:   Host: Alright guys, welcome … Read more