Horny? Can’t sleep? Try this

Are you sometimes getting so horny that you can’t sleep, can’t think straight or can’t function at work? I know some women who feel they will go crazy or die if they don’t have sex (read: FUCK!) during some days of their cycle, and some men who would fuck anything to relieve themselves. Sounds familiar? Consider … Read more

Embracing my femininity – personal sharing by Kyla

HOW TO CONNECT TO YOUR FEMININITY AS A WOMAN? I’ve asked that question to the women in my private women’s group. This is what one of them shared, which i find SPOT ON ! : “i’m a powerful woman… but 10 years ago… i was very much unbalanced, entrepreneur, super mom, super “fit”, extravagant, seduction … Read more

Elise Savaresse from the ‘Self pleasure revolution’ interviews Eyal

Elise Savaresse is a friend and a colleague who is leading the self pleasure revolution and helping women feel more pleasure and become more empowered. As you can see, our message is very much aligned. Recently she interviewed me for her program and decided to make the interview available to the wider public. In this … Read more

Carlo Laruccia

I did a tantra relationships workshop that was co-facilitated by Eyal 3 years ago and it rocked my world. So much healing and discovery has followed since this time which I am so grateful for. You might also be interested in: Are relationships something we don’t admit we really need to work on? Flyers arrived … Read more

Ejaculation control – WHY lasting longer could change your life!

When men try to last longer, they usually focus on the ‘how’ – Squeeze this, breathe there, etc. But the real secret to lasting longer is finding WHY it doesn’t serve you to ejaculate and WHY it’s so powerful to control your ejaculation. Register to the free ejaculation control program to get 6 more videos … Read more

Ejaculation control – The five steps to last longer in bed

  Do you last as long as you want in bed? Are you confused with all the advice out there? Most men ejaculate within 5 minutes of penetration. Some finish even faster. And women are not happy about this. When men try to look for solutions for this problem, they get all sorts of confusing … Read more