How would you change the world with a hundred billion dollars?

If you had a hundred billion dollars, how would you use it to change the world? (You can only use a bit of it for basic sustenance, no Ferarris or Guchis etc) I feel there’s a combination of charity, investing, research and public-opinion shifts. This is what I would do: 1. Invest 1 billion $ in a … Read more

Hot burning coals! My fire walk and other news

As you might know, my focus is not just sexuality but also personal development, wealth creation, and lifestyle design. Recently I: – Flew from Sweden to the Netherlands to see my favorite DJ (a young french guy called Worakls, who combines soul, electro, melodies and grooves into an irresistible delight) and danced full-on for nearly … Read more

How to stick to your new year’s resolutions

The new year approaches. Like every year, you make new years resolutions. Then, around January 3rd, or at most January 20th, you stop doing them. The next time you think about your past year’s “new year’s resolutions” is when the next year approaches. So, how do you make and keep a new year’s resolution? By … Read more

How to sleep through the night

Lisa asked: Any suggestions on how to sleep through the night? Hey Lisa, I am a human-potential coach with focus on sexuality, creativity and business. I have been studying yoga, meditation, tantra, wellness and healing modalities since 2000. A few tips: Meditate before sleep for 10-20 minutes. Just witness your breath. Gentle slow yoga is … Read more

Elphie Coyle on the five forms of freedom – Interviews with integrated people

Colin ‘Elphie’ Coyle is a creator, liberator and agent. He became financially independent in his early 20s doing what he loves – game development – while employing, educating and supporting up to 250 people at a time. He is also a business mentor and a sensuality teacher, holding workshops and working on his next book … Read more

How making sounds can unleash your orgasms, help you heal, and empower you as a woman

The British lord William and his wife, lady Mildred, are having their monthly intercourse on a Sunday afternoon, just before their afternoon tea. – William, is it “in” yet? – Yes, Mildred, it’s “in”. – In that case, (she whispers) “ah”. You don’t want to be Mildred, do you? Sound is one of the basic … Read more

What’s stopping you?

Do you have some “stuff” which is stopping or delaying or sabotaging you? Let’s face it, We all have issues, problems and challenges – we all have “stuff”; Stuff which is stopping us from… experiencing the pleasure we desire, having the relationship we yearn for, expressing our true gifts, and living a more meaningful life. … Read more

Embracing my sweet inner child with “the spark”

I’ve developed a new service called ” The spark session” which is about connecting to the inner essence, qualities and “spark” you had as a child, before life/parents/school/peers/society influenced you to be someone else. I’ve been holding “the spark sessions” for my clients, and they are loving it! They have more ease and flow in … Read more