Inner Circle Resources

  My dearest clients, This resources section is a bit like me – Full of insights but a bit scruffy on the outside. I recommend you to go over it and do the exercises that you resonate with. If you spot any typos or other issues, please alert my assistant at Conscious business: KPI … Read more

Inner Circle Coaching Package Policy

Welcome to the IntimatePower inner Circle. This policy is meant to set understandings and expectations between us, and ultimately it’s meant to make our process smoother to aid you in your growth. Skype sessions are usually held every two weeks, usually on the same day, for ease of scheduling. Additional sessions outside the coaching package … Read more

If you want a man – let go of the boys (Poem)

You are yearning to open, yearning to surrender, yearning to be loved, and yearning to express your love. You are yearning to, but afraid to. What you are afraid of, is what you are yearning for. The man you yearn for will make you feel safe, but he will also scare you just a little … Read more

Awakening female pleasure workshops

After over 10 years of sexual healing and coaching, I’m excited to announce that i’m starting to share my experience with individuals and sexuality professionals. My goal is: To teach men how to touch, pleasure, heal and empower women To teach sexuality professionals to serve and empower clients on a deeper level I’ve started my … Read more

Ideal Life Exercise

In order to live a better life, you need to have a picture, a vision, of what that ideal life looks like. The easiest is to project 6 months into the future. Be realistic, but allow yourself to dream out of your comfort zone. First, describe your life in general. How does your life look … Read more

Ejaculation control – 7 mistakes men make when trying to last longer

Let’s face it. Most men would like to last longer, and most women wish their partners did. The average man lasts three to five minutes, and that’s not enough for most women to orgasm. But it’s not even about the woman’s orgasm. Penetrative sex offers a particular kind of connection between partners. So naturally you … Read more